Allowances for municipal workers and civil servants
Bonuses that are not related to the performance of official duties (birthdays, organization anniversaries, holidays)
Percentage of salary if salary depends on company revenue
Dividends provided that the employee is a saint vincent and the grenadines business email list shareholder of the company
Incentive payments
Compensation for the use of one's own property
Compensation in monetary equivalent if part of the payments were made in the form of the organization's products
Don't forget about cases that are not taken into account: maternity leave, sick leave, business trips, company downtime, strikes involving an employee, days off to care for a disabled child.
How sick leave is paid in 2024
Read the article
What is it for?
Some periods of work are paid according to the average monthly income.
In what cases:
business trip,
training with a break from work.
Less common situations: medical examination, medical check-up, breaks for child care, donation, downtime due to the employer, temporary cessation of the organization's functioning, failure to perform job duties due to the fault.