You can have a lower power for those hours when you use fewer appliances and a higher power for the hours when you need more. The perfect example is if you have an electric vehicle. You can have a different cmo email lists power to charge your car at night, which is also the cheapest time.
Want to know the details? We'll explain everything in more detail.
What are electricity tolls?
You have been dealing with them for a long time, even if you may not be aware of it. Electricity tolls are added to the amount of your electricity bill and are the regulated components that cover the costs of energy transport and the costs of electricity distribution in homes. They affect the variable cost of energy and power, and cover the costs related to the electricity supply . Thus, we could say that a bill is divided into: energy consumed, tolls and taxes.
The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) and the Ministry are responsible for establishing the amount of electricity tolls .
As for power and energy...
In addition to the change in content, the form has also changed, and by this we mean the nomenclature of the rates, which are no longer called rates, but rather “transport and distribution tolls”, indicated with the letters “TD” (Transportation Distribution) at the end of the toll.
Now that you know what it is and how it works, we give you detailed information about the changes that will affect all users in Spain:
Something important that you need to know is that all supplies with contracted power less than or equal to 15 kW will be charged a single access rate called 2.0TD and with time discrimination in all cases, which will be organized into 3 energy periods and 2 power periods . The days of the week are organized according to the 2.0 TD rate:
New electricity rates based on access tolls
At Naturgy we have incorporated these regulations so that our customers maintain the rest of the contractual conditions in force, adapting their electricity bill.
We leave you these notes to keep in mind:
- You will see three different prices reflected on your bill if you are a user of several energy prices and one power, according to the three energy periods, and two periods of electrical power.