It is thanks to it that we can reach similar recipients, buyers or target ads towards Internet users who visited the store, for example, 6 days ago. Even if you do not currently have an implemented pixel or simply do not intend to invest in promotion, the code is worth implementing, and even necessary. Why? Because the history it has collected since the beginning of implementation is an ideal basis for the first promotion. Without it, the first targeting of ads will be much more difficult.
Facebook Store
Now we can start creating a store. By selecting the appropriate template for the fanpage on the right side we can add a tab - SHOP , where the user will find sent or uploaded products. This is where the paytm database customer can browse the entire assortment and learn more about it.

Facebook Store Add Product
Facebook Store Add Product
The “Pay on Website” button takes the user to the store page.
How to upload products to the Facebook store
Uploading products can be done in several ways, including: in the company manager, using the product feed extracted from the online store, directly on the fanpage, manually entering each product one by one.
The first method is most often practiced in larger stores where we have a lot of products and adding them one by one would take a lot of time.
One of the advantages of implementing a store on your profile is marking products in photos. When we base our catalog on packshots to stimulate imagination, it is worth publishing lifestyle material in posts. By marking a product in a graphic in an easy way, we shorten the purchase path.
Instagram Store
Another place where we can show our products and reach a wider audience is Instagram. The basket icon informs us that we will see products available in the store on the profile. - this icon appears in or on specific products.
Shop Instagram product visibility
Shop Instagram product visibility
Thanks to this, when viewing the feed, we immediately know in which photos to look for products that can be purchased in the store. The biggest and at the same time the only downside to running a store on Instagram is the non-automatic implementation of all products to the previously mentioned tab - basket. Products appear there only after being tagged in the photo. In the case of small stores, this is not a significant problem. However, with a larger number of products, tagging all of them can take a lot of time. The process itself is quite intuitive and for that we give the Creators a big plus.
Facebook - ads for use in e-commerce
Advertising on Social Media can really reach everyone. Thanks to advertising, small factories quickly acquire new customers and develop their businesses. However, the topic of advertising on Facebook is material for at least a few days of training, so in my article I will only mention dynamic ads.
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When creating an online store, the first step we usually take is to create a product catalog. And it is this catalog that plays a primary role here. When configuring dynamic advertising using the catalog, the Facebook algorithm, based on data, selects which products will appear in the creation. In the case of a clothing store, women will see women's clothing, and men men's clothing. Additionally, the criterion we choose will be automatically included in the description, e.g. headline - product name, description, price. This is a great convenience for marketers, because they do not have to spend many hours of work on designing and implementing subsequent carousels. In a few minutes, we have a ready-made campaign for active customers, look likes, or people not associated with the brand at all.
While we're on the subject of audiences, it's worth expanding on this topic a bit.