The Wikipedia article says that Waterfall is a sequential (non-iterative) software development process that continuously goes through the following phases: concept, initiation, analysis, design, development, testing, production/release, implementation, and maintenance. The definition of this model in Techopedia is: “… the waterfall model does not assume the transition to the next phase until the previous one is completed. You can return to the previous phase only in case of obvious need.” Tutorials Point notes: “In the Waterfall model, each phase must be completed before the next one begins, and the phases must not overlap.” We will limit ourselves to these definitions, because they are found in most foreign and domestic computer textbooks and in the media. The difference in the definitions is only in the names and the number of phases of the software development process, which is not very important for describing the methodology. Based on these definitions, the main characteristics of the methodology are:
the transition from one stage of the process to the next is possible only after the complete completion of work at the previous stage, thus the phases do not overlap.
Some of the industries that regularly use the Waterfall method include construction, IT, and software development. However, the term Waterfall is usually used in the context of software, so the rest of this post brazil email list will focus on the model as it relates to software development.
Phases of the Waterfall Model
The Waterfall model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow. This means that any phase in the development process begins only when the previous one is completed.
The Waterfall model is a project management methodology that has at least five to seven stages that follow a strict linear order, with each stage not being able to begin until the previous stage is complete. The exact names of the phases may vary, but they were originally defined by Royce as follows:
Absence of iterations in the software development process
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