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5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Marketing Efforts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:16 am
by Raihan8
Regular upkeep is an important part of any marketing strategy, but it can be difficult to make time for it. As a result, many businesses fall into a rut where they fall behind on updates that could save time or money in the long run.

Luckily, spring is a time of new beginnings! With the new season comes the opportunity to revisit your marketing efforts and find ways to improve their effectiveness. Keep reading for five easy ways to get started.

1. Refresh Social Media

When was the last time you changed your profile picture or cover photos on your social media accounts? If you can’t remember, or if it was a long time ago, now is a perfect time to make an update. Be sure that these images tunisia code number are consistent among all of your social media platforms, as this is not only important for a strong brand identity, but can also make your brand feel more credible. It also gives followers an opportunity for engagement as they react to your fresh new look! While you’re updating graphics, double check your contact information and other descriptions to make sure everything is up-to-date.

2. Evaluate Your Website

Even if you have a smaller website, return visitors will notice if images, content, and news on your site is out of date. Not only does having accurate content on your website help maintain strong search engine optimization (more about this in tip #5), but it also shows web visitors that your brand is active. Update images so your visitors have a new experience when they visit your site, keep your calendar up-to-date with upcoming event information, and do a thorough sweep of your website to be confident that there aren’t any broken links or outdated information. If your website is older than two years or you feel that a complete rebrand is necessary, you could consider an entire redesign. For many businesses, having an up-to-date website is a critical part of maintaining your customer base.