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Enterprise Sales Development Executive

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:23 am
by rifat1814
As we all know, computing requires a lot of power. How do you deal with him on a daily basis? How do you view that relationship? Where do you object? Ir Ri: I object all the time. I think that's normal, especially in the work that we do. It's a lot to ask of the team, and I think that's good. It's important to have high ambitions and push our boundaries. When I feel like things are out of bounds, I object. That's the relationship that we've had for six years, and I think that's been productive.

You need to be able to object. Moderator: Can indonesia phone number details you give me an example? For example, the example of Scarlett Johansson. I know you guys worked on that sound element, right? Ir Ri: Yes, we have a strong relationship. But choosing sound was not one of our priorities, it was not something that we worked on together. I made the decision on that, and he had his own relationship. He contacted Scarlett Johansson after I chose Ky. We didn't discuss this specific decision, which is unfortunate. Moderator: So he acted alone. IR RI: He has his own connections.


So we're not totally aligned on this. MC: You think it's funny in a lot of ways, especially because of the movie and his tweets. But I think that's a mistake I made because people feel like you guys are stealing, even if you didn't steal her voice, it looks like Ursula in The Little Mermaid, stole her voice. Even if that's not the case, but that perception is there. IR RI: Are you worried about tech companies being seen as predatory? MC: I do think that's true. IR RI: Yeah, I'm worried about that perception, but you know, all you can do is do good work and let people see the results and that builds trust.