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Email Spam Trigger Words to Avoid That All Marketers Must Know

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:03 am
by rakibhasan542
When you conduct marketing through email, there are certain trigger words that you must avoid at all costs. These are the words that will immediately resonate with the recipients’ spam filters, and they will flag your campaign as spam or scam. If this happens, your targeted audience won’t even open your email or read about your offering.

For these reasons, creating an email campaign without the trigger words is important, or it will likely fail even before it reaches an actual person.

This guide will show you how to avoid the same pitfall by explaining buy email database what trigger words are and how to avoid them.

Email Marketing Statistics
According to data for 2022, there are around 4 billion daily email users.
35% of marketers send 3-5 emails per week to their target audiences, with 4 out of 5 saying that they would rather give up social media than email marketing


The average click-through rate was 6%
5% of all emails sent in 2022 were spam emails
The most common type of spam is marketing or advertising emails, which account for 36% of all spam emails
What Are Email Trigger Words?
Email trigger words are words or phrases that email providers have marked as red flags. There are hundreds, likely even thousands of them. When they find themselves in an email in a specific context, they trigger the spam alert, preventing the email from reaching the inbox.

From the users’ perspective, this can mean that an unwanted marketing campaign might pass into their main inbox. But, in more serious cases, so can scam emails or emails that contain malicious content. As such, emails with trigger words can be quite dangerous