Social media and apps have revolutionized not only the way we interact with each other, but also the way we look for jobs and profiles to fill positions.
Job searching has gone from being physical, when people went to companies to hand in their CVs, to purely online searches, where the profiles of those seeking jobs are matched with the profiles of those offering.
Giants such as Linkedin and even Google's new feature, which since the beginning of the month also indexes the main international job search platforms, have been able to make the digital rich people data leap that was needed.
So much so that more than 80% of the traffic on these websites comes from mobile devices, something unthinkable just a decade ago.
But what would be the steps to find that profile from a company?
The first thing to do is to be clear about what you are looking for. The classic administrative search may work a priori, but you have to keep in mind that the publication on the platforms should also have a touch of originality, seriousness and also other concepts such as keywords, natural positioning or even the text formula that does not penalize and also meets an SEO objective .
There is the second point, the online presence of the company and the job seeker. Digital coherence is essential for both applicants and companies. It is vital to have an almost immaculate digital footprint because today, beyond the exclusive job interview, both the corporate information of the companies and the social profile of the applicant are also tracked.
Before you start creating a profile on employment platforms, you need to be clear about what they will find about you. And before you launch a job offer, you need to be clear about what type of information supports the solvency of a company.
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Every candidate tells a story throughout their digital life. And so do companies. All of this necessarily involves a reputation, and that will have a weight that it has never had before.