There are two main categories of marketing emails:
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:34 am
Email marketing is an ideal channel for creating positive relationships with existing clients and for expanding your orbit to include new ones. Here are two effective ways to encourage your patients to pass it on:
Referral programs – Whether or not you can use referral programs to austria business email list ethically (and legally) market your healthcare organization and services depends on the type of enterprise you’re running. Small to medium-sized businesses—particularly those in the wellness space—are well-positioned to offer deals or customer perks when a customer loops in a friend.
Shareability – Today, social and share buttons are built into the bones of marketing emails, enabling subscribers to post the content you provide to their personal platforms. As a general rule, any knowledge that lands in their inbox (excluding any confidential data) should be easily shareable with the stroke of a thumb.
Finally, your healthcare organization might consider providing perks to clients each time they reach a new milestone. For instance, a personalized Vitamin vendor might initiate an email-led rewards program to let customers know when it’s time to replenish their cache or let them know that their 10th purchase will earn them a free month’s supply of Collagen gel caps.
#5 Stick to a Schedule
Email sequences – Pre-written and sent automatically, these messages anticipate the different stages of your funnel and meet the customer where they are. The Welcome Sequence is a classic example, but sequences can also reach warm or cold customers with lapsed engagement.
Broadcast emails – Broadcast emails keep clients abreast of sales, company developments, or programs offered through your business. They’re often seasonal, circumstantial, or time-sensitive, clueing your clients into company developments.
Referral programs – Whether or not you can use referral programs to austria business email list ethically (and legally) market your healthcare organization and services depends on the type of enterprise you’re running. Small to medium-sized businesses—particularly those in the wellness space—are well-positioned to offer deals or customer perks when a customer loops in a friend.
Shareability – Today, social and share buttons are built into the bones of marketing emails, enabling subscribers to post the content you provide to their personal platforms. As a general rule, any knowledge that lands in their inbox (excluding any confidential data) should be easily shareable with the stroke of a thumb.
Finally, your healthcare organization might consider providing perks to clients each time they reach a new milestone. For instance, a personalized Vitamin vendor might initiate an email-led rewards program to let customers know when it’s time to replenish their cache or let them know that their 10th purchase will earn them a free month’s supply of Collagen gel caps.
#5 Stick to a Schedule
Email sequences – Pre-written and sent automatically, these messages anticipate the different stages of your funnel and meet the customer where they are. The Welcome Sequence is a classic example, but sequences can also reach warm or cold customers with lapsed engagement.
Broadcast emails – Broadcast emails keep clients abreast of sales, company developments, or programs offered through your business. They’re often seasonal, circumstantial, or time-sensitive, clueing your clients into company developments.