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Tips on using Yandex.Wordstat to launch contextual advertising

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:14 am
by rakibhasan02
In the process of preparing an advertising campaign, it is necessary to brainstorm - formulate a list of words and their combinations that most clearly reflect the essence of the product (service) and are associated with the product that is planned to be promoted. It is best if the requests satisfy the commercial interests of potential customers. For example:

"programming courses";
"programming school";
"learn to program";
"development from scratch".
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Next, you need to select key queries in Yandex.Wordstat one by one for the proposed options. If the business operates in the territory of only one subject of Russia, it is important to select a region.

You can save all suitable queries using Wordstat Helper or Wordstat Assistant. In order to expand the semantics for a particular requirement, simply click on it. For example, you need to collect more variations for the search query "programming courses from scratch". Clicking on this requirement allows you to create a list of phrases from suitable words.

Tips on using Yandex.Wordstat to launch contextual advertising
Tips on using Yandex.Wordstat to launch contextual advertising
When saving queries, it is important to consider their frequency. To launch contextual advertising in the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN), basic broad requirements that users associate with a product or service are quite sufficient. The higher the frequency of a specific query, the more people will see the banner. Thus, the high-frequency requirements "programming training" and "programming courses" are suitable for promoting the services of a programming school in YAN.

However, in order for the search engine to display ads more often on the first lines, it is advisable to specify the request. In addition, if the text in the ad clearly duplicates popular requirements from Yandex.Wordstat, then there is a greater chance that it will attract only a warm audience (accordingly, it will be possible to reduce the number of empty clicks and save money). Thus, for advertising on the search, phrases with a frequency of 10 impressions per month are optimal.

It is worth remembering that each niche has its own frequency. For example, the query “buy a tower crane”, which has about a hundred impressions per month, is high-frequency (since the demand for cranes is low). At the same time, the requirement “buy Xiaomi” with a frequency of about a thousand queries is low-frequency, since users are interested in this product much more often.