Learn how to attract new customers to your website through SEO

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Learn how to attract new customers to your website through SEO

Post by Tingli »

As we announced recently, Hiperestrategia presented its first live webinar with the theme "Learn how to attract customers on the Internet through SEO." This first edition of the webinar allowed us to share with attendees valuable information on how SEO can support companies' digital marketing and communication activities by building an effective website that attracts more customers and potential customers through the Internet.

The main points of the webinar have been covered in the recent blog articles and are summarized here:

In non-technical terms, what is SEO and how does it help a company's marketing management?
What is in-page SEO and how does it help attract the target audience to the brand?
What is Off-Page SEO and How Does it Help You Connect with More Customers Online?
Here are the summarized answers to these questions and below in the video, you will find the complete information that we covered during the webinar:
What is SEO and how does it help a company's marketing management?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of activities and improvements that country wise email marketing list must be made to the content and structure of a website to help it be more visible to search engines and its target audience.


This covers two key areas, on-page SEO and off-page SEO. SEO is important for marketing management because it helps a growing portion of the target audience find the content that the brand offers through search engines (organically) and in this way, connect with the company and its products and services.
What is in-page SEO and how does it help attract the target audience to the brand?
On-site SEO consists of selecting and placing the best keywords related to the company's products and services, as well as the interests of the target audience, in the appropriate places on the website so that it can more effectively attract new customers through their Internet searches.
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