300: Multiple choice . The request has more than one possible response. The browser/user should choose one.
301: Moved permanently . The URL of the requested resource has been permanently changed. The new URL is provided in the response.
302: Found . The URL of the requested resource has free whatsapp number canada been temporarily changed. Further changes to the URL may be made in the future. Therefore, this same URI should be used by the client in future requests.
303: See other . The server sent this response to instruct the client to obtain the requested resource at another URL with a GET request. Requires knowledge of the four primary HTTP request methods.
304: Not modified . Used for caching purposes. Tells the client that the cached resources have not changed. The client can continue to use the same cached version of the response, thus speeding up the process.
307: Temporary redirect . Replaces the HTTP 302 Found response code to be used when a resource has been temporarily moved to a different URL. In this case, the HTTP method used should not be changed: if POST was used, POST should be reused.
308: Permanent redirect . Similar to an HTTP 301 response code; the resource is now permanently located at another URL, specified by the Location: HTTP Response header.
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HTTP Status Codes 400: Client Error Codes
They indicate that the website or page cannot be found. The page is not available or the request is technically problematic.
400: Bad request . The server cannot respond due to a client error.
401: Unauthorized . The client must authenticate to get the requested response.
402: Payment required . Status code reserved for future use; rarely used as a standard convention has not yet been adopted.
403: Forbidden . The client does not have access rights to the content; for example, a password may be required.
404: Not found . Very common on the Web. The URL is not recognized; the resource does not exist.
405: Method not allowed . The host server supports the received method, but the target resource does not because it has been disabled.
406: Not acceptable . The requested resource can only generate content that is not acceptable according to the requested accept headers.
407: Proxy authentication required . When using a proxy server, the browser must authenticate to continue.
408: Request timeout . The server would like to close an idle connection; the request did not complete completely before timing out. Some servers do not send a message before disconnecting.
409: Conflict . Your request conflicts with the resource/server as it currently exists.
410: Gone . The requested content has been permanently deleted from the server and will not be restored.
411: Length required . The request is rejected because the content length header field is not defined as required by the server.
412: Precondition failed . The browser request header conditions were not met by the server.
413: Payload too large . Your request exceeds the limits set by the server.
414: URI too long . The request is too long to be processed by the server.
415: Unsupported media type . The server refuses the request because it does not support the media format of the requested data.
416: Range not satisfiable . The server is unable to return your request; the range header field as specified may be outside the scope of the URI data.

417: Expectation failed . The expected requirements for the request header field cannot be met by the server.
421: Misdirected request . The server is not configured to respond to this request.
422: Unprocessable entity . Semantic errors in the request prevent the server from processing a response.
423: Locked . The resource is locked and cannot be accessed.
424: Failed dependency . The request failed because the previous request failed.
425: Too early . The server is not prepared to process a request that may be repeated.
426: Upgrade required . The server rejects the request with the current protocol; it sends an Upgrade Header indicating the accepted protocol.
428: Pre-condition required . The server cannot process the request until conditions are specified.
429: Too many requests . This is a rate-limiting response, sent by the server when the user has sent too many requests in a given period of time.
431: Request header fields too large . The header fields in the request are too large to be processed by the server.
451: Unavailable for legal reasons . The server is prohibited from granting access to the requested resource; it may be an officially censored web page.