Handing out leaflets, delivering documents or performing other similar tasks fall under the conditions of light labor, so not only adults but also schoolchildren are hired to perform them.
But to get to a more responsible job, for example, as a waiter, you need to grow up. There is no official ban on hiring children for such positions. But due to the financial responsibility, which is prohibited nicaragua business email list to impose on a child according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the specifics of the work itself, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a job like this before the age of 16-17.
Boys and girls under 14 can also work, but their choice of vacancies is very limited. For example, you can act in commercials, movies (not necessarily in leading roles, it can be a role in an extras scene) or try yourself as a photo model. In this case, the employment contract is signed by the parents. This is stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
A complete list of documents that need to be collected so that a teenager can work:
free form parental consent (up to 16 years);
consent of guardianship authorities (also up to 16 years);
medical report (certificate form 086/u);
work book (opened by the first employer);
child's bank card details.
Until the age of 16, the issue of employment cannot be resolved without the participation of parents. And even after, until adulthood, it is better to study and sign the employment contract in the presence of the mother or father.