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Gymshark holiday marketing strategy

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:05 am
by sheikh1234567
Lazada, a leading ecommerce platform, does an excellent job of transforming its site for the holidays.

Lazada holiday marketing strategy
If you don’t want to go all out with a full festive redesign, you can still create a seasonal atmosphere with minimal effort.

A quick and effective way to do this is by updating your main banner with a festive headline, as Gymshark does.

3. Create special offers and discounts
When it comes to boosting holiday sales, nothing captures the attention of shoppers quite like a well-timed deal. Create offers that are genuinely valuable to your customers.

Consider bundling products together to numéro mexicain whatsapp create a package deal that offers more value than if the items were purchased separately.


Take Waterdrop, for example. They excel at creating enticing holiday bundles, such as their Christmas gift sets that include water bottles paired with their signature microdrinks.

Waterdrop holiday marketing gift bundles
You can implement this marketing strategy by identifying products that naturally complement each other.

For instance, if you sell beauty products, you could bundle a facial cleanser, toner, and moisturizer into a skincare gift set. If you’re in the tech space, consider offering a holiday bundle that includes a tablet, protective case, and a pair of headphones.

Another effective holiday marketing strategy is offering discounts on popular or seasonal products. You could run a promotion where customers receive 20% off their purchase just like Bubble Skincare does.