The goal is to get your employees to tell you what needs to be said, not what they think they should say. That's why it's essential that you show them interest in every conversation.
You may not be able to solve many of their problems right away, but you can follow up on them until you find the best solution.
Observe and Listen
Active listening is one of the main characteristics of MBWA, but not only that; you should also observe how your employees interact with your customers and with other employees.
You should do the same with your clients, knowing what their behavior is on social networks or your blog.
Share Projects with Employees
These tours should be an opportunity to involve your employees in company decisions and its future.
So let them know what the plan is and what role they will play in the development of your new projects.
Management By Walking Around: Put Yourself in Your Employees' Shoes
The best way to connect with your staff is to understand the challenges they face on a daily basis.
Give them good news
Be honest and credible, you don't have to lie to be optimistic.
However, most companies only deal with bad news, so try to inject a little positivity with each round so your employees know that it's not all bad.
Have fun
Talk about many things with your employees, staying within the boundaries of respect.
For those actions that have helped your company reduce costs, time, etc., congratulations are in order.
There are always good things your employees have been able to do and the best way hospitals email list to keep them motivated and focused is by acknowledging them.
No Criticism
If you see work that has not had satisfactory results, correct it privately or contact your supervisor or department head to resolve the issue.
Benefits of the Management By Walking Around Practice
Beyond having a friendly relationship with your company's employees, the MBWA has other great advantages:
More access to information
When a company's staff is close to the director, in addition to improving performance, these people feel more confident in sharing their ideas, interests, problems, etc.
In this way, it is possible to anticipate things and have a better understanding of routine operations.
Recognize your staff for their excellence
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