Nowadays, being able to combine personal, family and work life is no longer an option but a priority for companies. In fact, in recent years, work-life balance has generated rivers of ink in legal texts with different objectives. One of them is to achieve adequate work flexibility to alleviate people's lack of time .
The Workers' Statute or the new Teleworking Law are a good example of this. Both regulations contemplate new measures that bring us closer to labour flexibility, such as the increase in breastfeeding leave, paid leave for birth, the right to digital disconnection or adaptations of the working day without having to reduce it.
But what is labour flexibility ? Why is it so important to find that balance between personal and work life? What benefits does it bring to the company and to employees? We give you all the answers in this post.
What is work flexibility?
We could define work flexibility as a “tailored” work small business email list model agreed between the company and the employee, with the aim of better meeting the needs of the employee outside the work environment. It is a formula for the employee to be able to combine his or her life at all levels: work, family and personal .
After all, most people need their life in the professional environment to be able to support, through it, their personal life. In other words, they need their job to have money with which to cover their daily activities outside of work , which include family, friends, hobbies or studies.
Labor flexibility: an achievable challenge
Just a few years ago, it was more difficult to find a balance between the interests of the individual and the company, so that both parties benefited.
But events such as the health crisis have given rise to phenomena that have facilitated the implementation of flexible working among the working population. Good examples of this are the massive adoption of teleworking, the evolution of new technologies , now fully democratised, or greater social awareness of the conciliation of work, family and personal life.
More and more companies are replacing the formula of reducing working hours with flexible working conditions.