How long does this take?

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How long does this take?

Post by pappu888 »

What usually requires the most power is to emit cold or heat. Constant use of air conditioning or electric heating can shoot up your bill. Remember that in winter it is recommended not to exceed 22º and in summer not to exceed 26ºC. In general, in summer it is recommended that the difference between the outside and inside temperature does not exceed 12ºC. For every degree you raise the temperature, consumption increases by more than 7%, so carefully consider whether you tend to set more degrees than necessary.

The time it takes to see the change reflected may vary. If you have a remotely canadian cto cio email list managed digital meter , the change in power may take a few hours or a day at most, from the moment the distributor has accepted the modification.
On the other hand, if you have an analogue meter , you have to wait for a technician to come to your office and manage the change, which could take up to two months.

How is contracted power calculated?
There are different ways to know what your consumption is:

With digital meters you can see the maximum peak power you have used so far. This will help you to know which are the days when you tend to spend more, with the possibility of considering a rate that suits your needs.

There are so-called consumption meters , which measure the amount of kilowatts that pass through your installation. If you put them on a specific appliance, you will be able to see the consumption of that specific appliance and assess whether it is a high cost for you. If you put them globally, these meters will give you data on your consumption in general.

There are also power recommenders , which can help you to make an approximation of the power you consume depending on the appliances you have, the size of your work space... If you do not have a digital meter or a meter, it can help you to get an idea.


The ideal would be to request a visit from an electrician to measure your power consumption.
An electricity rate tailored to your needs
Now that you know how much power you consume and how much you have contracted, it is time to analyze whether the rate you have is the best for you.
Because not all businesses are the same, at Naturgy we offer you the possibility of having a personalized rate with the Custom Business Plan . An advisor will analyze your case and will propose the best price adapted to your consumption.

Remember that on June 1, the changes in electricity tolls came into force , which simplified the power ranges. You are probably now a user of a 3.0TD or 6.XTD rate, both with six power term periods.
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