Using our RESTful and GraphQL APIs , developers can gain read and write access to data repositories on Ibexa DXP instances. With these, developers can interact with the system in their specific programming and scripting languages, such as JavaScript and Python. These APIs provide complete flexibility, but performance can be a limiting factor if you're moving gigabytes of binary files back and forth, for example.
The PHP Public API gives developers direct access to italy girl whatsapp number our server-side APIs. These are the same APIs that power the admin interface and all other functionality that our core product uses. It is common to use the Symfony console framework's capability to expose these APIs for importing and other scripting purposes. The PHP API capabilities provide the lowest-level access to our secure APIs, and is generally the way to go for more complex integrations that require multiple script executions to form relationships between migrated objects.
Migration processes where you run the old system and the new systems in parallel long before they go live have many advantages. With incremental data imports, you can find problems faster and ensure that all the pieces of the integration fit together perfectly. Running migrations continuously from the beginning to the last minute gives you confidence for the final deployment.
Additionally, this might make you rethink parts of your project. Some tasks labeled as imports may become irrelevant – for example, when you are integrating multiple systems, the initial import may also be used as the primary integration method in the future. Let’s say you want to expose product sales data to the operators of your e-commerce platform. This data is stored in the legacy e-commerce solution, but the source data is actually your ERP. If your ERP platform continues to operate as it has in the past, it might make sense to import data directly from there and leave the legacy e-commerce platform out of it entirely.
For developers, Ibexa DXP offers flexibility and different methods for migrations. With our modular product structure, your developers can also continue to use the same familiar APIs as your organization moves from digital sales with Ibexa Experience to full transactional commerce with Ibexa Commerce .