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How to organize a convention step by step

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:45 am
by rabia829
Whenever we talk about events, we usually think of actions created by a brand and aimed at an external audience. But equally or more important than external events are internal events, better known as company conventions.

This type of event is characterized by linkedin phone number data bringing together the entire company. They are usually held periodically, coinciding with the end of a financial year or the beginning of an important period for the company, and are the perfect time to work on motivation and team spirit.


That is why it is so important to know what the steps and key elements are for organizing an event of this type.

In this article we explain the step-by-step process for organizing a convention and give you some tips to ensure that it meets the stated objectives.

Choose a date in advance
A convention usually involves a significant number of attendees. Therefore, it is very important to find the most suitable date in advance. This gives us the opportunity to plan ahead and optimize costs related to logistics and accommodation.

When choosing a date, it is essential to try not to make it coincide with any important national or local event and not to plan it near bank holidays to avoid people not attending.

Select a strategic city
Once you have chosen the date, it is time to select the city. When choosing the date, take into account several factors. If the attendees come from different cities in the country, try to find a location that is more or less equidistant from each of their points of origin. This will save a lot of money on logistics and make it easier for everyone to attend.

Also keep in mind that the chosen city has different leisure and equipment options that can be used at your convention.

Find a theme for your convention
Whether your convention is about presenting results, being a day of entertainment only, or a mix of both, design your event around a theme. Giving it a central concept will help you organize the agenda and the activities organized around it and will allow you to give it a coherent and common graphic image.

This topic may be related to a key message you want to convey and that you want to impress on people's minds.

Work on a detailed agenda
The next step is to create a detailed agenda. This should include a more “official” and corporate part and a more leisure-focused part. This part is just as essential as the other to create connections and allow people to interact in a relaxed atmosphere.

When planning an agenda, it is important not to overload it with too many activities and leave space to enjoy free time.

In this agenda, it may be a good idea to plan activities with the presence of all attendees and alternate with other activities in which we divide them into small groups to work on stronger ties.