What is taken into account in the techniques to generate expectations?
Talking about generating expectations in users means playing with their minds, transmitting emotions and reaching their feelings in such a way that both curiosity and the cashapp database desire to know more increase the desire to want that product. At this point, the brand's objective is to produce a conversion at the point of sale, in this case, it would be the purchase of the new product.

For the promotion strategy to work, there are a number of things to consider that will help attract the attention of the target audience:
Creativity : essential in any marketing campaign.
Planning : how the strategy will be communicated, in which locations, in which media and on which channels.
Unit : campaign that is linked to the brand.
Target audience : who the campaign is directed at.
Concept : Bringing together all aspects of the strategy.
Simplicity and straightforwardness – It’s true when they say less is more. Keep your campaign simple and let it do its job. Bombarding your audience with too many campaigns will only lead to overwhelm.
Why is it necessary to generate expectations in the public before launching a product?
Generating expectations in the public makes them pay attention to the actions you take and the messages you send. These are the reasons why you should do it:
Increased brand awareness
The brand increases its recognition, that is, the public identifies it sooner and remembers it above the competition. Potential clients will be interested in knowing more about you and will look for you on social networks, talk about you to their friends, etc.
Low budget
You don't need to spend a huge budget to generate expectations, but rather to know when, where and how to promote the product before its launch.
Improve the quality of the impact
In addition to creating in the user that I want to know more about this, you leave a memory of the brand in their mind.
Generating the viral effect
If you manage to reach a lot of people, your strategy will go viral and its dissemination will have been worthwhile.