How to carry out an email marketing proposal?
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:20 am
How to carry out an email marketing proposal in Argentina? Email marketing has become one of the most used tools in digital marketing. Therefore, when applied through good practices we can create a precise and concise strategy that allows us to define the company's objectives for its development.
Therefore, to get your business into the inbox of the users you are interested in, in this post we will explain all the important factors that revolve around how to make an email marketing proposal .
How to do email marketing?
Regardless of whether you are an chinese overseas africa phone number data employee or a business owner, we are going to start with these important tips to make good use of email marketing:
BluCactus - email marketingStart by building trust
Trust is one of the main tools that must prevail within a work team. In fact, through trust it will be easier to respond to any objections that may arise regarding your proposal.
It is also important to convey to your boss how committed you are to the company's objectives and to achieving them. Therefore, by maintaining a very fluid relationship with him/her, there will be that continuous feedback that is so necessary to observe the progress of any assignment and the results.
Make the proposal at the right time
Respecting timing is a point that you should not forget. For example, when presenting your proposal you should avoid those moments where there may be complex situations in which the entire work team must dedicate themselves to them.
Indeed, people are more predisposed to making innovative decisions as long as they are in a context that allows it.
Therefore, we recommend that you wait for a moment when joy prevails and when there is enough time for you to be heard before presenting your proposal.
BluCactus - email marketingWhen you have your proposal you must be very clear
To make your proposal, you must do so clearly and demonstrate that you have an organized plan. Therefore, it is advisable that your words be accompanied by an email in which you can add the reasons why an email marketing proposal should be added to the company's marketing strategy.
However, it is also necessary to mention the economic benefits that can be achieved thanks to the incorporation of this tool. Finally, it is worth adding the timeframes for analyzing the achievement of the results.

Convene the parties involved in the proposal
Each company has its own structure and organizational style. As a result, the final decision regarding your proposal will often depend not only on your own boss, but also on the rest of the team. And so, there may be a slight delay in approval.
Therefore, while respecting the boss, it is important that the other team members are aware of the proposal from day 1 so that they can give their correct opinion.
List the advantages of email marketing
BluCactus - email marketingThis last point is the most important, since if the work team is unaware of the benefits of marketing , why should they approve your proposal?
Therefore, if you want your boss to accept your proposal, it is essential to mention each of them and present arguments to show that this tool is worthwhile.
So, in addition to knowing how to make an email marketing proposal, these are the benefits of email marketing that should be listed in your proposal:
High Return on Investment (ROI) Many email marketing applications allow you to manage the sending of campaigns to a large number of people. Best of all, this task can be done at a low cost and with a high return on investment (ROI).
Detailed Reports Through email marketing applications, we can have detailed reports of the KPIs of each of our campaigns. Some of the statistics would be: Click rate, opening rate, ROI, conversion rate and viralization. Through this benefit, campaigns can also be measured in more depth by establishing metrics in each area. Likewise, the integration that we can make between email marketing and Google Analytics allows us to have a better view of the impact of a campaign on your website to make the best decisions about the company.
Personalization of messages Thanks to the incorporation of personalized messages, through email marketing we can create a personalized message that allows us to generate a bond of trust to build loyalty with our target, and in turn, achieve a stimulus in conversions.
It helps your message go viral. This is a great benefit of email marketing, as it can be integrated with Social Media to achieve a greater reach with your messages. For example, Doppler is an email marketing application and through it your messages can be integrated with your social media accounts . In this way, you can make your messages go viral to increase the level of potential of your campaigns.
It is a key part of inbound marketing If your company is interested in carrying out an inbound marketing strategy , it is important that you know from now that this will not be successful if it is not accompanied by email marketing.
It helps to segment the offer Once you acquire knowledge of your target's interests and demographic information, you can adapt your offer and implement a better communication strategy to reach your audience with a message that actually meets their needs.
How to design an email marketing strategy?
Now that you have paid attention to the previous point, there are other elements that we must also take into account and that we must use when designing an email marketing proposal:
Therefore, to get your business into the inbox of the users you are interested in, in this post we will explain all the important factors that revolve around how to make an email marketing proposal .
How to do email marketing?
Regardless of whether you are an chinese overseas africa phone number data employee or a business owner, we are going to start with these important tips to make good use of email marketing:
BluCactus - email marketingStart by building trust
Trust is one of the main tools that must prevail within a work team. In fact, through trust it will be easier to respond to any objections that may arise regarding your proposal.
It is also important to convey to your boss how committed you are to the company's objectives and to achieving them. Therefore, by maintaining a very fluid relationship with him/her, there will be that continuous feedback that is so necessary to observe the progress of any assignment and the results.
Make the proposal at the right time
Respecting timing is a point that you should not forget. For example, when presenting your proposal you should avoid those moments where there may be complex situations in which the entire work team must dedicate themselves to them.
Indeed, people are more predisposed to making innovative decisions as long as they are in a context that allows it.
Therefore, we recommend that you wait for a moment when joy prevails and when there is enough time for you to be heard before presenting your proposal.
BluCactus - email marketingWhen you have your proposal you must be very clear
To make your proposal, you must do so clearly and demonstrate that you have an organized plan. Therefore, it is advisable that your words be accompanied by an email in which you can add the reasons why an email marketing proposal should be added to the company's marketing strategy.
However, it is also necessary to mention the economic benefits that can be achieved thanks to the incorporation of this tool. Finally, it is worth adding the timeframes for analyzing the achievement of the results.

Convene the parties involved in the proposal
Each company has its own structure and organizational style. As a result, the final decision regarding your proposal will often depend not only on your own boss, but also on the rest of the team. And so, there may be a slight delay in approval.
Therefore, while respecting the boss, it is important that the other team members are aware of the proposal from day 1 so that they can give their correct opinion.
List the advantages of email marketing
BluCactus - email marketingThis last point is the most important, since if the work team is unaware of the benefits of marketing , why should they approve your proposal?
Therefore, if you want your boss to accept your proposal, it is essential to mention each of them and present arguments to show that this tool is worthwhile.
So, in addition to knowing how to make an email marketing proposal, these are the benefits of email marketing that should be listed in your proposal:
High Return on Investment (ROI) Many email marketing applications allow you to manage the sending of campaigns to a large number of people. Best of all, this task can be done at a low cost and with a high return on investment (ROI).
Detailed Reports Through email marketing applications, we can have detailed reports of the KPIs of each of our campaigns. Some of the statistics would be: Click rate, opening rate, ROI, conversion rate and viralization. Through this benefit, campaigns can also be measured in more depth by establishing metrics in each area. Likewise, the integration that we can make between email marketing and Google Analytics allows us to have a better view of the impact of a campaign on your website to make the best decisions about the company.
Personalization of messages Thanks to the incorporation of personalized messages, through email marketing we can create a personalized message that allows us to generate a bond of trust to build loyalty with our target, and in turn, achieve a stimulus in conversions.
It helps your message go viral. This is a great benefit of email marketing, as it can be integrated with Social Media to achieve a greater reach with your messages. For example, Doppler is an email marketing application and through it your messages can be integrated with your social media accounts . In this way, you can make your messages go viral to increase the level of potential of your campaigns.
It is a key part of inbound marketing If your company is interested in carrying out an inbound marketing strategy , it is important that you know from now that this will not be successful if it is not accompanied by email marketing.
It helps to segment the offer Once you acquire knowledge of your target's interests and demographic information, you can adapt your offer and implement a better communication strategy to reach your audience with a message that actually meets their needs.
How to design an email marketing strategy?
Now that you have paid attention to the previous point, there are other elements that we must also take into account and that we must use when designing an email marketing proposal: