The S Curve can predict the potential success of a project, as well as explain the current situation.
The S Curve or progress curve links the time that the project has been in operation with its accumulated cost, as well as the earned value it is generating.
“That is, it represents the possible deviation we have in terms of the cost we arrive at and the one we should have at the time we do the analysis. If there are no deviations, and we are spending even less, then we are talking about Earned Value,” notes the Sinnaps website , which specializes in project planning and team management.
The S Curve of a project, applied with ig database Earned Value , offers not only a balance of the current situation, but also a forecast of the possible success or failure of the work.
Thanks to this system, which can be calculated in several ways, it is possible to find out whether a good pace of work is being followed, whether more resources need to be invested in the project, or whether, on the contrary, expenses need to be reduced.
The information collected will allow for more effective decisions to be made and anticipate consequences that prevent the project from continuing.
All those professionals who wish to expand their experience in the field of projects will find a wide variety of university programs sponsored by FUNIBER for this purpose. One of the courses offered is the Master's Degree in Project Design, Management and Direction .