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The Email Proposal You Should Ask

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:49 am
by sadiksojib127
Reliability As we mentioned earlier, reliability is at the core of the concept of trust, because the best way to gain trust is through a combination of experience, expertise, and authority. Why is EEAT Important? Google and many other tech giants are keen to reduce the misinformation and harmful, low-quality content that appears on their platforms, and it’s obvious why, considering that our daily lives and decisions are increasingly influenced by web-based information.

In a recent study conducted by Eli Schwartz , of Americans hong kong mobile phone numbers database admitted to going online to diagnose medical symptoms. Given the potential negative impact on an individual’s health when false or misleading information is provided on this topic, it is critical that users are shown the most reliable and accurate information possible. Google provides a great example of why EEAT is important on its Search Central Blog someone looking for how to properly file their tax return will want to see content produced by accounting experts, such as a tax advisor or accountant, to ensure they are receiving accurate and reliable information.


Google wants to provide users with the most accurate information possible, so to rank at the top, you need to display EEAT. The concept can apply to both individual pages and entire sites, but as the example above suggests, its importance can vary depending on the topic and intent behind the search. We’ll get more into this later when discussing YMYL. Key Takeaways [TLDR] – Google has been using Search Quality Raters to evaluate the effectiveness of its algorithm since at least , but EEAT wasn’t part of its quality guidelines until it was introduced as just EAT in , with the extra E for experience added in late .

– EEAT is a concept that encompasses the four essential elements of quality content, according to Google, and is a combination of the initials of the words experience, expertise, competence, and trust. – It’s a key part of Google’s crackdown on harmful, low-quality content and harmful misinformation. Google's Search Quality Rating Guidelines Explained Google has made its Search Quality Rater Guidelines public since March . While these guidelines are a unique opportunity to better understand how Google determines a quality website, it is important to note that the quality raters that Google engages to evaluate search results against the guidelines cannot directly manipulate search results.