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Digital marketing: launch of “inspire your business”, the podcast of la brigade du web

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 6:41 am
by kolikhatun0022
The collective La Brigade Du Web is launching today its podcast dedicated to Digital Marketing, Social Media and Influence Marketing. “ Inspire Your Business ” is a monthly meeting hosted by Annie Lichtner, Founder of this collective and the site MyDigitalWeek . Its objective: to create a moment of exchange with experts who share their monitoring and professional experiences, provide advice and tips, analyze trends and present practical cases.

If you don't know La Brigade du Web yet , it's a collective made up of 11 experts in the fields of marketing and influence, technologies, innovation and digital transformation. With Céline Beckrich, Delphine Foviaux, Emilie Marquois, Martine Le Jossec, Christine Soto, Fabrice Frossard, Jérôme Monange, Jonathan Chan, Arnaud Le Roux, Pierre Tran and myself.

A 1st episode on Social Media trends 2022
With Emilie Marquois, we identified 4 major trends in this episode :
1. Snack content. What are the types of formats associated with this lever? Why use these short formats and focus on video? What are the keys to success for brands? Focus on TikTok with examples of brand initiatives.
2. Audio. Why focus on this format? What strategy should you recommend when you decide to get started? How to develop your podcast audience? With examples of brand podcasts.
3. Live streaming. What is it? Why should women database marketers care? How to sell via Live Shopping? With examples of brands on different social networks. And a focus on Twitch, which differentiates itself from other live platforms on several levels.
4. Responsible influence. What is responsible influence? Has covid had a particular impact on influence? How to be transparent with influencers and what are the rules to follow? What are the ARPP initiatives?

An excerpt on trend 2: audio and podcast.
Annie: Do you see any formats that will emerge this year?

Camille: Yes, the audio format is already very present within the social media ecosystem. But I think it is a phenomenon that will increase in 2022 and in the years to come. So, who says audio says podcast, so be careful, podcasts are not new. They are coming back into fashion and are now very popular with all Internet users.

I want to add that audio attracts social networks themselves. The main platforms are launching new features dedicated to audio. Some examples: Spaces on Twitter, Greenroom on Spotify, Live Audio Rooms on Facebook and even LinkedIn which plans to launch new features for professional events to be followed in audio and its own podcast platform.


Annie: Advertisers are increasingly interested in podcasts, do you have any examples to share with us?

Camille: Advertisers and more generally marketing and communication professionals are indeed increasingly integrating podcasts into their digital strategy. There are many examples of brands that are launching, I would like to mention Orange Pro which launched “ Tout seul ”: the podcast for entrepreneurs. Orange meets entrepreneurs who talk about their careers and reveal the behind the scenes of their adventure. We discover their story, their values ​​and their vision of entrepreneurship. Very inspiring, I recommend it!

Annie: New ways to collaborate with content creators / KOLs?

Camille: An advertiser can launch their own podcast but they can also partner with a well-known podcaster. This is a good idea when you don't necessarily have a good command of the format and when you want to be supported by a specialist or someone who has a certain visibility. An example: La Poste Business and its podcast: “ Les experts du mix ”.
Gregory Pouy, creator and host of the Vlan! podcast and a marketing specialist in the digital age, meets marketing and communication experts to discuss the evolution of the media mix and the place that mail occupies in it today.
A relaxed discussion where each episode is first and foremost a meeting with a personality in their environment. The latest episode published at the beginning of this year is dedicated to Pierre Cannet of the WWF. With Gregory, they question the responsibility of companies to change marketing practices and participate in the ecological transition.

Another excerpt on trend 3: Live Shopping.
Annie: 2021 was a good year for the development of social commerce: do you have some figures and advantages to share with us?

Emilie: I don't have any figures for 2021, but I found 2 huge figures that suggest that social commerce and live shopping are set to explode in the coming years. These figures come from a study that was carried out by Accenture, and which was released at the beginning of the year (so it's very recent):
– Social commerce will reach $1,200 billion by 2025, compared to $492 billion in 2021.
– Purchases made on Facebook, TikTok, etc. will grow 3 times faster than purchases made on traditional channels within 3 years.