11 native advertising examples to learn from

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11 native advertising examples to learn from

Post by aktAkterSabiha10 »

Consumers have an uneasy relationship with ads. Ads are annoying, no question. But at the same time, people love free stuff—and advertising either subsidizes content or makes it entirely free. Generally, the more intrusive an ad is, the less it's tolerated by viewers.

Native ads are an attempt to have it both ways: they're designed to reduce the intrusiveness of ads while continuing to subsidize content. And some forms of native advertising, like sponsored content, also allow advertisers to borrow the credibility of the publications they partner with.

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To illustrate how brands are engaging with native ads, I've pulled australia telegram Users mobile Phone Number list together a range of native advertising examples I found in the wild.

First, though, here's a rundown on what native ads are—and why they're so effective.

What is native advertising?
Native advertising is when ads fit (nearly) unnoticeably into the context in which they're placed. They look and feel like the publication they're on—in one way or another. Usually, the only giveaway that the content is a paid promotion is a small label that says "Ad" or "Sponsored by."

Native advertising can include many formats:


Programmatic ads

Articles and in-depth storytelling

Video and audio content

Surveys and data visualization

Digital tools, games, and experiences

Let's take a look at the first two, just to add some color.

Programmatic native advertising
You might have seen native ads that look something like this.

Native ads on AP News
From APNews.com
This is an example of programmatic native advertising, which is run by ad platforms like Outbrain and Taboola and helps advertisers inject their content natively at scale across the web. This format tends to favor sensationalism to drive clicks; out of curiosity, I clicked the above "Flight Attendants Say Not to Wear Shorts When Traveling For This Reason" ad, only to find an article full of standard travel tips that never addressed whether or not to wear shorts. (I guess we'll never know.)

But even though these tend to be the grabbiest version, native advertising is more than just programmatic ads.
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