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All factors impact reputation , or “ Everything Matters Now ”

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:12 am
by aktAkterSabiha10
Brand management , or the set of brand management activities that contribute to the success and market value of an organization , is a topic that is close to the hearts of managers and business leaders around the world. The Weber Shandwick survey helps provide an interesting picture , which quantifies the importance attributed by top managers to the various factors that contribute most to brand reputation and provides ideas for companies to build it and increase their market value.

In fact , 23 key factors have been identified , many of which are fundamental for successful brand management . But there is more: in the classification of these factors , very similar values ​​and scores emerge . From this , it is clear that companies can no longer focus on or give priority to only a few factors for effective brand management , but must consider several of them as a whole , giving them all the same importance.

This means, for example , that criteria such as the quality of employees and products , financial performance , quality of customer service, product safety and so on have the same value in building, stabilizing and consolidating the company's brand reputation. This is demonstrated by the fact that the top managers interviewed have classified the crucial factors for increasing brand reputation with high approval percentages and with scores that are not far from each other ( just one percentage point or equal) .

The 5 criteria that most influence reputation are connected to brand management
As can be seen from the table, among the first strategic drivers indicated by managers , 5 are directly connected to the concept of Brand Management and rated as “ very important ” ( values ​​between 8 and 10 on a scale from 0 to 10) by more than 60% of the top managers interviewed .

Therefore, in the “ top five ” of key values ​​that most influence reputation , with a direct impact on both collaborators and employees , as well as on external customers , the managers interviewed underline above all the relevance of the following criteria :

quality of the products and services offered ,
quality of staff ,
quality of customer service ,
safety of products or services ,
respect for the privacy of employees and customers.

Following are the other crucial reputation factors that impact the company's market value .

Customer trust and listening to your targets . Corporate reputation is built denmark telegram data on the trust of your customers, of course, but also on the attention and listening of the company to its target audiences. How? By offering clear and understandable information about products and activities with frequent communications, maintaining an openness and availability to dialogue with your stakeholders, both internal and external to the company.


Employee and Product Quality Maintaining a high level of quality of your product, which ensures continuous customization, monitoring production and company innovation are crucial strategies to advertise the company effectively and consistently.

Omnichannel and timely corporate communication It is essential to counteract the lack of authenticity perceived by consumers and stakeholders towards the organization , through communication that takes care of the reliability and the perceived quality of the product. The theme of information and communication is central to brand reputation : it is necessary to start from the quantity and quality of information, exploiting new communication strategies.