About the evolution of Marketing

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About the evolution of Marketing

Post by ukdoy »

Evolution of Marketing
Marketing 1.0:
The best way to define marketing 1.0 is product, product and product, it focused on selling the product and making its characteristics and value known to meet the consumer's purchasing needs.

Marketing 2.0:
With the arrival of technologies in the hands of the consumer, marketing bay nigeria telemarketing data began to focus not so much on the product but rather gives importance and prioritizes the consumer; here the main objective of companies is to retain and satisfy the customer.

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Products no longer only satisfy a functional need, but there is also an urgent need to differentiate themselves from other products in the same category, which is why the “value proposition” begins to sound more important. With this evolution, marketing 2.0 uses IT technology, using tools and methods to manipulate and distribute information.

Marketing 3.0, the arrival of the Green:
Consumer behavior continues to change, which is why marketing needs to change and begin to become aware of its products and services. It is no longer just about satisfying needs but rather fulfilling a purpose, such as products and services with social and environmental awareness. The customer wants to identify with the product or wants to buy from a company that shares their same values.

For companies, the consumer now represents a physical person with feelings and emotions with somewhat complex needs who interacts with other consumers. This means that marketing strategies and actions that are being executed must be periodically reviewed in order to understand our panorama of what we are doing well or what we need to improve and to have a contingency plan or brand reputation plan that was not previously applied. During this marketing era, a new technological concept “New Wave” is circulating, which is made up of 4 main pillars:

In recent years, the ways of selling using marketing actions have had many changes in focus. Today we find ourselves with marketing 4.0, a way of selling that aims to increase sales for companies through collaboration with customers. For many years, marketing was a tool used by companies to sell their products and strategies to consumers, but now thanks to marketing 4.0, gaining new customers and providing a better shopping experience is a goal that companies are actively working on.

We will analyze the evolution of marketing up to the present, we have gone through marketing 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and today we use 4.0 actions.

First, let's define marketing. It is the set of actions that are based on previous research of the market and the competition, in order to understand consumer behavior and thus be able to make each of the actions and strategies be executed efficiently. The objective of marketing is to attract and retain new customers through communication and sales techniques.
Along with this, companies are beginning to give a lot of value to data, and are starting to buy and sell large amounts of data. Thanks to this resource, the advertising shown to consumers is much more precise and perhaps considered aggressive because it is felt to be very personal.


We have reached Marketing 4.0
This includes market research and the collection of browsing data that users do in order to capture consumer preferences and search trends. Marketing 4.0 also includes AI, machines that are capable of understanding a human and learn our behavior patterns. A clear example of this is Google, which in mid-2016 made a change to its algorithm in 2016 where it began to show semantic results .

Today we can do any search on Google and it will not only give us a list of results, but it will also give an exact result to the question we have asked.

We are sure that marketing will continue to evolve and as the years go by we will have other important indicators that will delimit the type of actions and strategies that we will apply. This will always happen since consumers are becoming more demanding every day, with unique tastes and complex needs. We are leaving you a small comparative table to make it much easier for you to understand the different stages of marketing. We are excluding marketing 4.0 since it is a phase that we are still implementing.
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