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How does Neuromarketing work

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:56 am
by ukdoy
Companies that own the most famous and commercially successful brands have managed to understand that it is not always enough to offer a quality product or service, but that they also have tools at their disposal such as neuromarketing that provide a scientific guide to make the most accurate decisions by allowing them to connect the emotions and personal motivations of consumers and thus, for example, evaluate the possible impact of a product before its launch or to create a pricing strategy, choose the most attractive flavor or the most striking color.

Here it is important to point out the human peculiarity that causes that, although our senses bay sweden telemarketing data perceive a striking element, our mind in the end decides the opposite, and it is that, curiously, the unconscious is an important ally of brands to dominate our behaviors and decisions, so much so that it is estimated that nearly 95% of purchases arose in the unconscious of the consumer and took on average just a little more than 2 seconds to generate.

We have already seen the usefulness of neuromarketing, but what are its elements?

There may be important characteristics in what neuromarketing studies have managed to advance so far, here we indicate some of the most relevant and effective for all types of requirements:

Induce the gaze towards points of interest and avoid the use of images that focus on the user.
Use of colors and their usefulness to influence the consumer's "mood", that is, to stimulate, calm and awaken emotions, so red, for example, can attract attention and is associated with power, passion, love, but also with danger and usually reminds people of some aromas that are easy to remember above other colors that cause different sensations.
Use of colors and their usefulness to influence the consumer's "mood", that is, to stimulate, calm and awaken emotions, so red, for example, can attract attention and is associated with power, passion, love, but also with danger and usually reminds people of some aromas that are easy to remember above other colors that cause different sensations.
Speed ​​and quickness effect: A well-known success story is PayPal, discovering the advantage of attracting customers by promising a quality service differentiated by much greater agility and efficiency, activating that feeling of speed in consumers and compensating for a shorter waiting time.
The Script: Having a story and making the consumer identify with it is one of the most important achievements of neuromarketing through the Storytelling technique . There is nothing better than having a context and a whole creative development based on the brand.
Compound or rounded prices?: We usually know prices like: 3.99, since they work better than a price of type 4, since the brain logic will see the lower number without always taking into account the narrow distance from the higher price.
Hippocampal Headlines: Basically a neuromarketing technique that measures the consumer by measuring brain activity when the hippocampus is activated and our attention is aroused through the use of prominent and eye-catching headlines.
Avoid using the words PAY OR BUY: It is a trend to use different but related words to get the consumer to complete the transaction, including add to cart or, for example, take me home, reducing the consumer's anxiety about the word pay.

Now that we have seen this tool, what do you think? Do you think it can help you with your advertising strategy? We think it can help you a lot.

At The Cloud Group we advise and provide consulting so that you can clarify and identify the way to get your projects off the ground, in addition to providing you with technological services that apply AI that can be quite useful to you.

For this reason, we invite you to contact us, explain your needs and let's get started with this digital transformation.