Преимущества CRM-системы: 7 лучших для улучшения вашего бизнеса
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:56 am
Преимущества CRM-системы: как CRM может улучшить взаимоотношения, повысить эффективность и увеличить прибыльность вашего бизнеса.
Скот Труметер
Скот Труметер
Опубликовано: 05 апр. 2024 г.
| 13 мин чтения
Прежде чем обсуждать преимущества CRM-системы, давайте определимся, что представляет собой программное обеспечение.
CRM означает управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Проще Люксембургские номера WhatsApp: 5 миллионов данных говоря, это тип программного обеспечения, которое собирает и хранит информацию о потенциальных и реальных клиентах, включая историю их взаимодействия с вашим бизнесом.
Хотя управление отношениями является его основной целью, система CRM может принести пользу вашему бизнесу многими способами. Преимущества различаются в зависимости от отрасли; однако семь преимуществ CRM применимы к каждому пользователю:
1. Улучшение отношений с клиентами
2. Более эффективные бизнес-процессы
3. Более быстрое обслуживание клиентов
4. Целевой маркетинг
5. Улучшение сотрудничества
6. Увеличение доходов
7. Аналитические данные и отчетность
[Статья по теме: 10 лучших бесплатных программ CRM в 2022-2023 годах ]
1. Улучшение отношений с клиентами
Команда стартапа
Мы знали своих клиентов лично. Мы вели с ними светские беседы и пожимали им руки при заключении сделки. Мы знали имена их супругов и пересекались с ними на улице. У нас было окно в их мир — потому что это был наш мир.
Для большинства предприятий это уже ушедшая эпоха. Мы перешли на электронную коммерцию или стали слишком большими, чтобы знать каждого клиента. Так как же нам узнать их?
Клиенты все еще рассказывают нам о себе, просто по-разному. Заполняют ли они онлайн-опрос или оставляют товар в своей электронной корзине, они сообщают, кто они и как мы можем с ними связаться. Их цифровые отпечатки пальцев повсюду.
CRM собирает эти «отпечатки пальцев» и анализирует их, чтобы понять потребности и желания ваших клиентов. Это одно из самых больших преимуществ CRM-системы, и оно просачивается к вашим клиентам. Вооруженные данными, вы можете построить более крепкие, взаимовыгодные отношения со своими клиентами.
2. Сделайте свой бизнес более эффективным
Командная работа
Восемьдесят процентов МСП по-прежнему полагаются на неструктурированные ручные инструменты (электронная почта, электронные таблицы, бумажные файлы, доски и т. д.) для выполнения рутинных задач. Эти устаревшие бизнес-процессы замедляют ваш бизнес и наносят ущерб конечному результату. По данным исследовательской компании IDC, неэффективность снижает годовой доход на 20-30% .
You can update your business processes and reap major benefits with a CRM system. It can replace virtually all of your tedious manual processes with smooth and efficient workflows.
Perhaps you’ve already modernized your business but find yourself overrun with too many tech tools. To complete a task, an employee must be familiar with every tool, input the password for each one, and navigate between multiple interfaces. Having to jump through so many digital hoops can lead to ‘technology fatigue’ in users.
A CRM can maximize efficiency by integrating all your third-party applications into a single platform. Check your email, social media, sales reports, and more without having to toggle between systems.
3. Faster Customer Service
команда crm
People are busier than ever, and the fastest way to turn a customer off is to waste their time. Speed doesn’t mean rushing the client. It means serving them within the timeframe they expect. Increasingly, that means offering an immediate service. 80% of businesses and 64% of consumers expect a response from customer service in real-time.
A CRM can help your business get up to speed by automating customer service tasks, such as:
Chatbots that offer instant answers to common questions. They can also transfer more complex queries to the right staff person.
Automated customer service is available 24/7 (without any added cost).
Managing requests for online resources. Product guides, eBooks, white papers, and other premium content is emailed instantly.
Automated appointment setting.
Templates for repeat orders.
Streamline conversations across support channels (email, chatbot, calls, social media) into a single record.
Our intuition is that automation alienates customers. However, a Zendesk survey suggests the opposite is true. 69% of consumers evaluate the quality of customer experience (CX) based on timeliness and speed. CRM gives your company a distinct advantage by responding to customers quickly.
Another benefit of CRM automation is a reduced workload for your customer service team. They can focus on more important things, like building better client relationships.
4. Targeted Marketing
работа в команде
Today there is no average customer. Consumers want to be seen as individuals. They expect web content, ads, promotions, and product recommendations to be tailor-made. A CRM can help you get to know your customer by tracking data such as:
Website visits
Product views
Purchase history
Returned items
Abandoned carts
Social handles
Email opens
A CRM doesn’t just gather customer information. It also analyzes the data, helping your business pursue the right opportunity at the right time. The customer journey becomes more personalized, and we know buyers respond to that. In fact, 72% of consumers will only engage with customized marketing messages.
A CRM can deliver the unique, individual proposition that consumers appreciate. Imagine emailing a birthday greeting to an existing customer, complete with a discount on an item they’ve recently viewed online. Your marketing pitch is personal, timely, and CRM can automate the entire thing.
5. Improved Collaboration
This is the age of hyperconnectivity. Customers and businesses can engage in more ways than ever: websites, social media, phone, text, and email. Keeping track of customer interactions across so many channels and departments is all but impossible. Yet, customers expect a seamless interaction with the company.
A key advantage of a CRM system is it creates a single system of record. Multichannel data is combined into a 360-degree view of the customer. All customer details, including their interactions with the company, can be seen from one window. Information is no longer siloed between departments and employees. All staff can look at the digital profile and find actionable insights.
There’s no redundancy. Nothing slips through the cracks. A CRM keeps the entire team working in tandem to serve the customer better.
6. Increased Revenue
According to Forbes, less than half of all sales reps meet their annual quotas. CRM can help your business become more profitable by boosting your sales team’s performance.
Higher Conversion Rates
One way a CRM increases revenue is through higher conversion rates. CRM can use customer data to segment customers and prospects. This allows sales reps to pitch the right product to the right person.
A CRM can also score leads and calculate win probability. Sales staff can focus their efforts on the hottest prospective deals.
Longer Relationships
Return customers generate up to 80% of a company’s revenue. Creating an accurate buyer persona of your best customers is the key to finding more of their kind. A CRM can sift through:
Financial profiles
Purchase histories
Engagement activity
Job Seniority
Product reviews
You end up with an accurate, nuanced profile of your most profitable customers.
Access to such granular data also helps you keep loyal customers happy. You can engage their interests and predict their needs and wants. The CRM also provides a detailed record of every client interaction. By knowing their history, you can build a stronger rapport with the customer.
Opportunity Selling
CRM collects information such as order histories and product views. It also provides salespeople with a window to where the customer is in the buyer journey. This data helps your team see where additional sales opportunities exist. For example, a sales rep may try to cross-sell items the customer recently viewed online.
7. Analytical Data and Reporting
Every modern business knows that data is an asset. No company, group, or organization says, “Forget about the data, let’s just rely on instinct.” The business world understands that without data, we’re prone to making poor decisions.
And yet, an estimated 60-73% of customer data goes unused. Just think of all the valuable insights lost to the digital ether.
One of the main benefits of a CRM system is its reporting capabilities. While other businesses let their data go to waste, CRM can translate your data into powerful insights for the entire team such as:
Performance reports, sales trends, predictive sales analysis, and pipeline tracking for the sales department.
Marketers can measure their campaigns’ ROI by tracking impressions, clicks, email opens, and other audience engagement metrics. Some CRMs have the advantage of linking engagement to leads and deals closed.
A CRM benefits business execs by using the data to identify potential markets, consumer trends, gaps in the market, and other opportunities.
A CRM not only analyzes all this organizational data but it can also display it from your dashboard. With just a glance, you can see where your business stands and make effective decisions.
How You and Your Customers Can Benefit from CRM
Of all the benefits of a CRM system, using data and technology to work faster and smarter is one of the biggest. This serves your business obviously, but your customers benefit too. You have more time to focus on them. And they’re an important audience to please, as you can’t run a business without customers.
Choose the right CRM for your business today, and see your business processes improve, your revenue increase, and your customer satisfaction soar. FindMyCRM
Not sure what you need?
Use our free guides and tools. Just fill in the forms with your requirements and get a full report and list of CRMs that could be a great fit for your business.
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Скот Труметер
Scot Trumeter
Scot Trumeter - VP of Sales
Wondering how much to migrate from your CRM to another?
Converting or Implementation can be a blocker, luckily we have migration-specific automation tools at low costs.
FindMyCRM - Блог
Note: To estimate cost you will need to create an account.
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Thanksgiving is more than just a day marked on the calendar. Happy Thanksgiving from the FindMyCRM team!
С Днем благодарения 2024!
Ivan Karp
November 28, 2024
13 лучших программ CRM для оптовых торговцев недвижимостью
13 Best CRM Software For Real Estate Wholesalers
Read about the 13 best CRMs for real estate wholesalers. Find the perfect CRM solution tailored to streamline your real estate wholesaling ...
Лучшая CRM-система для оптовых торговцев недвижимостью
Scot Trumeter
September 11, 2024
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Top 15 Todoist Alternatives for Better Task and Project Management
Узнайте о лучших альтернативах Todoist в 2024 году. От продвинутых инструментов управления задачами до простых, интуитивно понятных планировщиков проектов — изучите варианты...
Лучшие альтернативы Todoist
Иван Карп
19 августа 2024 г.
Альтернативы программного обеспечения
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Скот Труметер
Скот Труметер
Опубликовано: 05 апр. 2024 г.
| 13 мин чтения
Прежде чем обсуждать преимущества CRM-системы, давайте определимся, что представляет собой программное обеспечение.
CRM означает управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Проще Люксембургские номера WhatsApp: 5 миллионов данных говоря, это тип программного обеспечения, которое собирает и хранит информацию о потенциальных и реальных клиентах, включая историю их взаимодействия с вашим бизнесом.
Хотя управление отношениями является его основной целью, система CRM может принести пользу вашему бизнесу многими способами. Преимущества различаются в зависимости от отрасли; однако семь преимуществ CRM применимы к каждому пользователю:
1. Улучшение отношений с клиентами
2. Более эффективные бизнес-процессы
3. Более быстрое обслуживание клиентов
4. Целевой маркетинг
5. Улучшение сотрудничества
6. Увеличение доходов
7. Аналитические данные и отчетность
[Статья по теме: 10 лучших бесплатных программ CRM в 2022-2023 годах ]
1. Улучшение отношений с клиентами
Команда стартапа
Мы знали своих клиентов лично. Мы вели с ними светские беседы и пожимали им руки при заключении сделки. Мы знали имена их супругов и пересекались с ними на улице. У нас было окно в их мир — потому что это был наш мир.
Для большинства предприятий это уже ушедшая эпоха. Мы перешли на электронную коммерцию или стали слишком большими, чтобы знать каждого клиента. Так как же нам узнать их?
Клиенты все еще рассказывают нам о себе, просто по-разному. Заполняют ли они онлайн-опрос или оставляют товар в своей электронной корзине, они сообщают, кто они и как мы можем с ними связаться. Их цифровые отпечатки пальцев повсюду.
CRM собирает эти «отпечатки пальцев» и анализирует их, чтобы понять потребности и желания ваших клиентов. Это одно из самых больших преимуществ CRM-системы, и оно просачивается к вашим клиентам. Вооруженные данными, вы можете построить более крепкие, взаимовыгодные отношения со своими клиентами.
2. Сделайте свой бизнес более эффективным
Командная работа
Восемьдесят процентов МСП по-прежнему полагаются на неструктурированные ручные инструменты (электронная почта, электронные таблицы, бумажные файлы, доски и т. д.) для выполнения рутинных задач. Эти устаревшие бизнес-процессы замедляют ваш бизнес и наносят ущерб конечному результату. По данным исследовательской компании IDC, неэффективность снижает годовой доход на 20-30% .
You can update your business processes and reap major benefits with a CRM system. It can replace virtually all of your tedious manual processes with smooth and efficient workflows.
Perhaps you’ve already modernized your business but find yourself overrun with too many tech tools. To complete a task, an employee must be familiar with every tool, input the password for each one, and navigate between multiple interfaces. Having to jump through so many digital hoops can lead to ‘technology fatigue’ in users.
A CRM can maximize efficiency by integrating all your third-party applications into a single platform. Check your email, social media, sales reports, and more without having to toggle between systems.
3. Faster Customer Service
команда crm
People are busier than ever, and the fastest way to turn a customer off is to waste their time. Speed doesn’t mean rushing the client. It means serving them within the timeframe they expect. Increasingly, that means offering an immediate service. 80% of businesses and 64% of consumers expect a response from customer service in real-time.
A CRM can help your business get up to speed by automating customer service tasks, such as:
Chatbots that offer instant answers to common questions. They can also transfer more complex queries to the right staff person.
Automated customer service is available 24/7 (without any added cost).
Managing requests for online resources. Product guides, eBooks, white papers, and other premium content is emailed instantly.
Automated appointment setting.
Templates for repeat orders.
Streamline conversations across support channels (email, chatbot, calls, social media) into a single record.
Our intuition is that automation alienates customers. However, a Zendesk survey suggests the opposite is true. 69% of consumers evaluate the quality of customer experience (CX) based on timeliness and speed. CRM gives your company a distinct advantage by responding to customers quickly.
Another benefit of CRM automation is a reduced workload for your customer service team. They can focus on more important things, like building better client relationships.
4. Targeted Marketing
работа в команде
Today there is no average customer. Consumers want to be seen as individuals. They expect web content, ads, promotions, and product recommendations to be tailor-made. A CRM can help you get to know your customer by tracking data such as:
Website visits
Product views
Purchase history
Returned items
Abandoned carts
Social handles
Email opens
A CRM doesn’t just gather customer information. It also analyzes the data, helping your business pursue the right opportunity at the right time. The customer journey becomes more personalized, and we know buyers respond to that. In fact, 72% of consumers will only engage with customized marketing messages.
A CRM can deliver the unique, individual proposition that consumers appreciate. Imagine emailing a birthday greeting to an existing customer, complete with a discount on an item they’ve recently viewed online. Your marketing pitch is personal, timely, and CRM can automate the entire thing.
5. Improved Collaboration
This is the age of hyperconnectivity. Customers and businesses can engage in more ways than ever: websites, social media, phone, text, and email. Keeping track of customer interactions across so many channels and departments is all but impossible. Yet, customers expect a seamless interaction with the company.
A key advantage of a CRM system is it creates a single system of record. Multichannel data is combined into a 360-degree view of the customer. All customer details, including their interactions with the company, can be seen from one window. Information is no longer siloed between departments and employees. All staff can look at the digital profile and find actionable insights.
There’s no redundancy. Nothing slips through the cracks. A CRM keeps the entire team working in tandem to serve the customer better.
6. Increased Revenue
According to Forbes, less than half of all sales reps meet their annual quotas. CRM can help your business become more profitable by boosting your sales team’s performance.
Higher Conversion Rates
One way a CRM increases revenue is through higher conversion rates. CRM can use customer data to segment customers and prospects. This allows sales reps to pitch the right product to the right person.
A CRM can also score leads and calculate win probability. Sales staff can focus their efforts on the hottest prospective deals.
Longer Relationships
Return customers generate up to 80% of a company’s revenue. Creating an accurate buyer persona of your best customers is the key to finding more of their kind. A CRM can sift through:
Financial profiles
Purchase histories
Engagement activity
Job Seniority
Product reviews
You end up with an accurate, nuanced profile of your most profitable customers.
Access to such granular data also helps you keep loyal customers happy. You can engage their interests and predict their needs and wants. The CRM also provides a detailed record of every client interaction. By knowing their history, you can build a stronger rapport with the customer.
Opportunity Selling
CRM collects information such as order histories and product views. It also provides salespeople with a window to where the customer is in the buyer journey. This data helps your team see where additional sales opportunities exist. For example, a sales rep may try to cross-sell items the customer recently viewed online.
7. Analytical Data and Reporting
Every modern business knows that data is an asset. No company, group, or organization says, “Forget about the data, let’s just rely on instinct.” The business world understands that without data, we’re prone to making poor decisions.
And yet, an estimated 60-73% of customer data goes unused. Just think of all the valuable insights lost to the digital ether.
One of the main benefits of a CRM system is its reporting capabilities. While other businesses let their data go to waste, CRM can translate your data into powerful insights for the entire team such as:
Performance reports, sales trends, predictive sales analysis, and pipeline tracking for the sales department.
Marketers can measure their campaigns’ ROI by tracking impressions, clicks, email opens, and other audience engagement metrics. Some CRMs have the advantage of linking engagement to leads and deals closed.
A CRM benefits business execs by using the data to identify potential markets, consumer trends, gaps in the market, and other opportunities.
A CRM not only analyzes all this organizational data but it can also display it from your dashboard. With just a glance, you can see where your business stands and make effective decisions.
How You and Your Customers Can Benefit from CRM
Of all the benefits of a CRM system, using data and technology to work faster and smarter is one of the biggest. This serves your business obviously, but your customers benefit too. You have more time to focus on them. And they’re an important audience to please, as you can’t run a business without customers.
Choose the right CRM for your business today, and see your business processes improve, your revenue increase, and your customer satisfaction soar. FindMyCRM
Not sure what you need?
Use our free guides and tools. Just fill in the forms with your requirements and get a full report and list of CRMs that could be a great fit for your business.
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Скот Труметер
Scot Trumeter
Scot Trumeter - VP of Sales
Wondering how much to migrate from your CRM to another?
Converting or Implementation can be a blocker, luckily we have migration-specific automation tools at low costs.
FindMyCRM - Блог
Note: To estimate cost you will need to create an account.
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С Днем благодарения 2024!
Happy Thanksgiving 2024
Thanksgiving is more than just a day marked on the calendar. Happy Thanksgiving from the FindMyCRM team!
С Днем благодарения 2024!
Ivan Karp
November 28, 2024
13 лучших программ CRM для оптовых торговцев недвижимостью
13 Best CRM Software For Real Estate Wholesalers
Read about the 13 best CRMs for real estate wholesalers. Find the perfect CRM solution tailored to streamline your real estate wholesaling ...
Лучшая CRM-система для оптовых торговцев недвижимостью
Scot Trumeter
September 11, 2024
Software Overview
15 лучших альтернатив Todoist для лучшего управления задачами и проектами
Top 15 Todoist Alternatives for Better Task and Project Management
Узнайте о лучших альтернативах Todoist в 2024 году. От продвинутых инструментов управления задачами до простых, интуитивно понятных планировщиков проектов — изучите варианты...
Лучшие альтернативы Todoist
Иван Карп
19 августа 2024 г.
Альтернативы программного обеспечения
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политика конфиденциальности
Условия обслуживания
Политика безопасности
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