What are the features that are not available on WhatsApp API?

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What are the features that are not available on WhatsApp API?

Post by delwar709 »

As we mentioned above, WhatsApp Business API is a completely different product than just WhatsApp App (or WhatsApp Business). Although the available features vary greatly depending on the type of solution you decide to adopt to integrate and manage the WhatsApp API (BSP, omnichannel platform, bots, transactional notification system), there are some "classic" features of WhatsApp (and WhatsApp Business) that, as of today (2/11/2021), are not available with the API. This absence can be considered a negative or positive aspect depending on the type of business and the use of each company. Here we list the main ones: 1) WhatsApp calls and video calls: With the WhatsApp Business API, you will no longer be able to receive calls or video calls via WhatsApp.

The call/video call button will disappear from your WhatsApp Business profile, preventing users from contacting your business in this mode; 2) WhatsApp groups are not enabled: There is currently no way to manage (or participate in) a WhatsApp group with an API account. If a user tries to add your API number to a WhatsApp group, they will receive a notification that they cannot add you; 3) WhatsApp Business Catalog: It is not possible to create and share a WhatsApp catalog with an API profile; You should also consider and understand how WhatsApp Verified Models work (explained in the next section). They clearly distinguish between using the WhatsApp app (normal or business) and the WhatsApp Business API. WhatsApp API: Everything you need to know How do WhatsApp verified templates work? Template messages are message templates that can be used to send a message on WhatsApp to a customer who has never been in contact with your business before, or who has not responded to an existing chat for more than 24 hours.

This option was created to prevent customers from receiving spam messages from businesses and to maintain the high value of WhatsApp as a channel for interaction between customers and businesses. This is why message templates must be pre-approved. To better understand how message templates work, you need to understand how the “24-hour window” works . This window is a 24-hour period that begins when the customer contacts the business via WhatsApp or responds to a template sent by the business. During these 24 hours, WhatsApp allows the business to communicate with the customer through session costa rica telegram database messages (i.e. it allows the business to freely write to the customer using text, images, documents, etc.). Once 24 hours have passed since the customer's last message (or if the customer has never contacted your business before), you will need to use a message template that must be pre-approved by WhatsApp. WhatsApp generally approves templates for customer service/support.

Less commonly, WhatsApp approves promotional messages (except for some countries/languages). If you choose to use Callbell as your WhatsApp API management tool, the team has designed a few strategies to work around this limitation and provide more flexibility to your business while still complying with WhatsApp policies. WhatsApp API: Everything you need to know What is the “green tick” on WhatsApp profile and how to request it? Let’s start by saying that only WhatsApp Business API profiles can request and obtain this additional verification . The green badge (or “green checkmark”) next to the contact’s name confirms that it is the business’s verified WhatsApp account, which brings additional credibility to the brand. This is your business verification which will allow you to show your customers your business name (instead of your number) along with the green verified business check mark on the right.
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