Going international offers your company opportunities to increase brand awareness and reach new customers, but it usually requires time and sufficient financial investment. However, with digital marketing tools, going international can be done cost-effectively, so it is possible to make the investments profitable in a fairly short time.
The right international marketing package is always tailored to your company's needs. The MRACE® model has also proven to be a tool for internationalization, because the model ties the different stages and their actions closely together. Each stage has an impact on the other, so our model can help your company's internationalization significantly.
In this blog, we'll go over why the 83 percent increase in time spent on TikTok is a great thing from an advertising perspective, and how marketing on the addictive video service works best.
TikTok's popularity has, as previously stated, exploded in indonesia phone data recent years. Previously known as a dance app for young people, the platform now reaches a much wider audience than before, which from an advertising perspective means a larger potential audience to reach.
The advantages of TikTok as an advertising channel include:
Affordable visibility: CPM up to 30% cheaper compared to Meta's channels.
High engagement rates: TikTok's algorithm favors organic and engaging content, which often leads to higher engagement rates in advertising as well.
Growth continues: the potential audience is constantly expanding.
On the organic side, TikTok also has high viral potential: thanks to its unique algorithm, any content on TikTok can go viral, regardless of content, number of followers, or anything else.
On TikTok, organic posts also have more potential to engage and reach people than other social media channels. However, in this blog, we will focus on paid advertising and TikTok as an advertising channel , although the importance of organic advertising should not be forgotten from the perspective of building a company's brand and credibility.