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Based on the options it gave, I changed ‘sifting to ‘extracting.’

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 7:08 am
by nishat@264
I wanted the reader to get the feeling of actually taking those key nuggets out of the podcast, not just sorting through them.

I kept ‘gold.’ I appreciated the alliteration MECLABS AI made with ‘grind.’

I changed ‘rare’ to ‘uncommon.’ It just felt like it was, ironically enough, less commonly used than ‘rare,’ which I feel like I see in a lot of headline.

‘Marketing’ is spot on. That is exactly what the podcast is about.

I changed ‘brilliance’ to ‘ingenuity.’ ‘Brilliance’ just feels braggadocios.

I then used the ability to type in the headline box indonesia whatsapp resource to add – ‘In These Deep-Dive Conversations.’ The fact that these are conversations is an important fact I wanted to convey. I then asked MECLABS AI to highlight modifiers again and give me more choices.

Creative Sample #5: ‘Optimize your word choice’ step in MECLABS AI headline generation guided pathway (further edits)

Creative Sample #5: ‘Optimize your word choice’ step in MECLABS AI headline generation guided pathway (further edits)

I changed ‘revealed’ to ‘brought to light.’ Revealed felt a little too clickbait-y while brought to light felt illuminating, which is what I am going for.

I kept ‘deep dive,’ although MECLABS AI suggested ‘in-depth’ which I actually liked better. But I didn’t want it to sound repetitive with the word ‘in’ just two words earlier in the headline.

I changed ‘conversations’ to discussions.’ As for how the words felt, it was a tossup for me. But I did like that discussions is one syllable shorter.