In the more than 20 years that SMS has existed, there have been very few changes in its use. Still 160 characters, SMS has never accepted text in bold, italics, or different fonts. The only things possible were to write words in upper and lower case. Today, SMS enriched with images are now possible. Evolution of SMS As we said, SMS has not evolved for over 20 years. But since the arrival of smartphones and the interpretation of messages, the possibility of clicking on links inserted in the message has allowed the power of SMS campaigns to develop.
Companies are no longer limited to 160 characters, but can directly link to their website or to a landing page with blocks of text, images, geolocation, forms, slideshows, etc. The possibility of giving more details than in the 160 characters allows the SMS to keep its impact because the main information always remains in the SMS and if the user is interested, he can click on the link and obtain more information on the message sent. The new SMS with image Since the arrival of iOS11 and some latest versions of Android, has developed the ability to display an image and a brief description of the link to which we are referring.
Several rules must be respected, but the impact is significant. It is now possible to add an image to the SMS to increase the recipient's engagement and increase the click rate. Whether it is just to display an image or to redirect to a mobile site, the image improves the quality of the SMS received. Obviously, not all smartphone owners will benefit from displaying the SMS with an image because they do not have one of the latest Android or iOS versions.
However, they will still receive the SMS with the text and the link to the landing page. Unlike MMS, which is much more expensive than Enriched SMS, everyone is able to receive an SMS and there will be no difference albania telegram database in processing when receiving the SMS. Indeed, sometimes, the MMS is received a few days after sending with a message similar to this: “You have received an MMS from XXXX. To view it click here and enter your password following XXX”. In the case of the Enriched SMS, the only drawback would be that the image is not displayed but the link would still be clickable.
When you receive an SMS from a marketing campaign, the sender must indicate how to unsubscribe. There must therefore be a mention at the end of the message indicating to which number to send an SMS. The key to unsubscribing is to respond “STOP” to a message. You should definitely not respond “STTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP” or “Could you unsubscribe me please” or insults. It is really enough to respond “STOP”. The sender of the SMS using an SMS sending platform such as will normally have a tool allowing them to collect STOPs and automatically unsubscribe the sender's telephone number.
In this way, no SMS will be sent during the next SMS marketing campaigns. The STOP SMS is therefore very simple. The STOP SMS must be sent to the short number indicated in the body of the message or which is the sender of the message. If the sender is personalized, you will therefore have to compose a new SMS to the short number and send STOP. Sending this SMS is not surcharged when it comes to a 36XXX number. Now you know how to sort through your SMS thanks to STOP SMS.