Group your targets by affinities data marketing
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:42 am
Once the data has been collected, it is important to continue and finalize their verification, but also to complete them if necessary. Having an exhaustive "signature block" (address, telephone, name, first name, etc.) for each of the contacts in your database is the objective. Enrichment therefore involves comparing your data with reference bases, which allow you to identify errors and add data that you did not have until then. But improving your database is not only synonymous with additional information, but also with more precise data . One example of this essential qualitative work is the RNVP processing of postal addresses (Restructuring, Normalization and Postal Validation): it will not necessarily provide you with more data, but will significantly improve its quality by homogenizing it according to postal standards.
This type of process can also be applied to email addresses or telephone numbers by correcting input errors or ensuring the validity of emails. 3. Sort and segment the data The sorting of the database can be done at different times during its use: both during its creation by directly removing unusable information and during its updates or a meeting bulgaria phone number data with other databases. Generally speaking, this hunt for "bad data" can take three forms: Removing unnecessary data from the database: this involves deleting contacts/information that is not relevant to the use you intend to make of your database; Deduplication: the objective is to delete all contacts present twice (or more) in the database.
Which allows you to keep a fair amount of data and avoids duplicating the actions carried out (several sendings of an email to the same prospect, for example); Deduplication: with the same aim as deduplication, this process aims to eliminate duplicates between several databases when the latter are grouped together. Sorting your database therefore allows you to clean it up, to remove the undesirable elements, whatever the reason. If this increases its quality, it is also possible to improve the exploitation of the database by splitting it into several groups of contacts. Segmenting your database into X groups allows you to, and thus to undertake more precise actions adapted to the specificities of these segments.
Segmentation can then be carried out according to general factors (such as, for example, a distinction between male and female audiences) as well as more specific ones (income, geographical areas, age of the customer account, etc.). There are a very large number of factors on which to base a database segmentation, so the important thing is to use the most relevant ones for your different marketing campaigns. At this stage, your database is then completed with qualified data (enrichment), freed from any duplicate or useless information (sorting) and divided into groups of customers/prospects for greater precision of action (segmentation). Now all that remains is to ensure that it will always remain as qualitative... 4. Keep an up-to-date database Generally speaking, contact methods are a priority when updating the database, since they are the ones that ensure the relationship with customers and prospects. Telephone numbers, postal addresses and email addresses are therefore very important but, unfortunately, fluctuating.
This type of process can also be applied to email addresses or telephone numbers by correcting input errors or ensuring the validity of emails. 3. Sort and segment the data The sorting of the database can be done at different times during its use: both during its creation by directly removing unusable information and during its updates or a meeting bulgaria phone number data with other databases. Generally speaking, this hunt for "bad data" can take three forms: Removing unnecessary data from the database: this involves deleting contacts/information that is not relevant to the use you intend to make of your database; Deduplication: the objective is to delete all contacts present twice (or more) in the database.
Which allows you to keep a fair amount of data and avoids duplicating the actions carried out (several sendings of an email to the same prospect, for example); Deduplication: with the same aim as deduplication, this process aims to eliminate duplicates between several databases when the latter are grouped together. Sorting your database therefore allows you to clean it up, to remove the undesirable elements, whatever the reason. If this increases its quality, it is also possible to improve the exploitation of the database by splitting it into several groups of contacts. Segmenting your database into X groups allows you to, and thus to undertake more precise actions adapted to the specificities of these segments.
Segmentation can then be carried out according to general factors (such as, for example, a distinction between male and female audiences) as well as more specific ones (income, geographical areas, age of the customer account, etc.). There are a very large number of factors on which to base a database segmentation, so the important thing is to use the most relevant ones for your different marketing campaigns. At this stage, your database is then completed with qualified data (enrichment), freed from any duplicate or useless information (sorting) and divided into groups of customers/prospects for greater precision of action (segmentation). Now all that remains is to ensure that it will always remain as qualitative... 4. Keep an up-to-date database Generally speaking, contact methods are a priority when updating the database, since they are the ones that ensure the relationship with customers and prospects. Telephone numbers, postal addresses and email addresses are therefore very important but, unfortunately, fluctuating.