B2B Advertising: How to do it?

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B2B Advertising: How to do it?

Post by nurnobi40 »

Behind every B ( business ), there is a C ( consumer ). In other words, behind every company, CNPJ, corporate name, taxes, spreadsheets, there is a human being with expectations, fears, desires.

This is a different way to start a post about companies, isn’t it?

Although we tend to look at companies and people who work in companies as cold and emotionless things, we cannot forget that more than 86% of people work in Brazil (ok, the unemployment rate is gigantic and this is horrible to see!), this means that it is not possible that 86% of Brazilians are emotionless people.

Therefore, to get B2B strategies right, it is necessary to take into account both technical, emotional and behavioral issues.

Setting Goals
It all starts with the goals you want to achieve with the advertising. Sell more? Position the company in a certain market? Change the positioning from x to y?

Defining objectives is the first step to having clarity about the paths and possible changes in direction.

Measuring Success
The next step is to define exactly how these goals will be measured and tracked. What crystal-clear metrics will be measured and evaluated?

If the goal is to sell more, the answer is more obvious, since you can have the number of sales before the campaign starts, historical data from other campaigns to be able to tell if things are going well or not.

Now, if the objective is to reposition the company, for example, it is a good idea to prepare a survey for your customers asking, for example, what their opinion is about the company and carry it out before, during and after the campaign.

What problem do I solve?
In addition to being very clear about your product, such as its attributes, features, functionalities, price, etc., it is also important to take the time to make it clear what problems your potential customers are facing with this product. Does it help reduce costs? Make more money? Save time?

Every company has problems and every product (at least, it should) solve some problem. So it's time to highlight which problems it solves and how, in a very practical way.

Target audience
Now the human part of the story begins. Who are you going to talk to?

Here we assume that you already know the segment of the cambodia phone number data companies you intend to target, their size, the number of employees, and the estimated revenue. All of this is part of the business strategies that need to be well-rounded in order for the advertising strategy to work.

So, it's time to think about the people behind these companies. What are the owners, the CEOs, the managers, the analysts like? Who makes the decisions? What are their fears, desires, ambitions, and expectations?

With this type of information, each element of the advertisement can be meticulously defined to address these points.

Concept and parts
With all this in hand, it's time to start bringing your campaign to life.

The first step is to summarize your product’s unique value proposition. In just a few words, how do you objectively, concretely and unambiguously summarize the main differentiators and problems that your product solves?

This summary is essential, because it is from it that you will unfold all the pieces of your campaign. Be it videos for the internet, visuals of the commercial proposal, advertisements for targeted magazines, videos for elevators in commercial buildings, among thousands of other possibilities.
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