Get to know the statistics of your email campaigns

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Get to know the statistics of your email campaigns

Post by messi66 »

When running a campaign, regardless of the channel, it is crucial to keep in mind the importance of statistics. Having a detailed report allows us to draw conclusions about what is working best, as well as learn more about our customers.

Email marketing is a 100% measurable channel that also provides us with very detailed information about our deliveries. If you want to know what statistics Mensagia provides you and how to understand them, keep reading!

Where can I see the statistics?
To view the report for one of your campaigns, you must log in to Mensagia with your username and password. Once inside the portal, go to Email > Campaigns and click on the options button in the row of the campaign you want to analyze. In the drop-down menu, click on “Campaign report.”

You can also view your reports by going to the “Reports” section vietnam business email list of the menu and clicking on “Email”. In this section you can see statistics grouped by date, by sending application or by campaigns.


What statistics can I get?
Recipients: Total number of contacts to whom the email has been sent (whether they receive it or not).
Unique opens: These are the contacts who have opened the email (if a contact opens it two or more times, only 1 will be counted).
Total opens: Total number of times the email has been opened. This counts 100% of the openings made by all contacts. If we compare it with the openings, we can see how many times our emails are opened on average.
Open rate: Percentage of unique opens compared to correct ones delivered.
Unsubscribes: This is the number of contacts who unsubscribe via the mandatory link that you must include in the email. This figure is usually low if you work with your own agendas in which your contacts have agreed to subscribe and receive your communications.
SPAM Reports: These are complaints reported about a campaign. Having a low number of reports is important so that our domain is not detected as SPAM. To help you with this, Mensagia detects emails that are reported as SPAM and discards them from future mailings.
Clickers: Number of contacts who click (if a user makes two or more clicks, only 1 will be counted).
Clickers/unique openings: Percentage of contacts who have clicked compared to the unique openings of the email. It allows us to know, among all the contacts who open the email, which contacts click on it.
Unique clicks per link: Allows us to know the unique clicks generated by the same contact on the different links in the mailing.
Total clicks: Total number of times a link in the email has been clicked. This counts 100% of the clicks made by all contacts.
CTR (total clicks/ total openings ) : Ratio between the total number of clicks received on a link and the total number of openings of your email. This statistic is provided for each of the links you have included in your email.
With all this data you can study the results of your campaigns and discover what gives you the best results as well as areas for improvement.
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