The more a customer sees your brand, the more likely they are to engage with your content. There are different ways to prospect, and nothing prevents you from combining approaches . This is called multi-channel prospecting. In this guide, discover how to prospect effectively on multiple communication channels.
What is a multi-channel prospecting campaign?
The development of digital tools has changed vp security email lists customer habits. Today, it is necessary to continuously innovate to capture their attention . Multichannel prospecting is based on the simultaneous use of different communication channels . Its objective is to find prospects and then convert them into “real” customers.
Multi-channel prospecting campaigns are used to increase sales . They allow brands to:
Adapt to the specificities of the market by prospecting from several channels. For each channel used, it is necessary to alternate between different types of adapted content. It is therefore necessary to make a constant effort to make the message interesting for the targets;
Increase lead acquisition. By increasing the number of touchpoints , there are more chances of converting prospects into actual customers;
Multiply the opportunities to convert prospects into real clients;
Easily evaluate which channel works best.
Examples of successful multi-channel prospecting campaigns
For a prospect who has never been contacted , it may be interesting to send a neutral email introducing the company. If the contact opens the email, the prospect can be called on the second day after opening it. If he or she has not read it, a new campaign should be carried out 15 days after the first sending.
For a prospect already approached , who has never made a purchase, an email campaign could be carried out as part of an online and offline strategy . To start, send a promotional email. Then, arrange a visit by a sales representative to the prospect. Finally, an in-store appointment could be proposed by telephone.
If a prospect has downloaded a white paper, the lead is registered in a database. It is possible to qualify them by calling them or sending them an inMail message on LinkedIn.
The steps to create a multi-channel prospecting campaign that works
To be effective, multichannel prospecting must be well thought out and prepared . If you want to reach the maximum number of customers, you must define the strategy precisely.
Depending on your sector of activity and your objectives, you must identify your target audience . To do this, you can rely on databases of qualified prospects and reliable data: databases of your current clients, purchased or rented databases, directories, etc.