What is a sales funnel and how to use it to attract customers

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What is a sales funnel and how to use it to attract customers

Post by ritu800 »

Sales funnels are one of the things that separate businesses that consistently generate revenue from those that struggle to bring in new customers.

With a sales funnel, you can better organize the entire process required to attract new customers-- from creating a list of potential prospects to closing deals by signing a contract.

And this applies to any business. Whether you sell on russian number whatsapp your own or are part of a large sales team, a sales funnel is the minimum step to start structuring your sales process.

What is a sales funnel?
Sales funnels are the way a company structures the process of generating new customers, based on its own criteria. A funnel is different for every company, and it is even possible to have multiple funnels depending on each line of business.

A sales funnel consists of a series of sales stages that allow you to know what stage each potential customer is in. This would be a very basic and traditional example:


Contacted : The potential client is entered into the database
Interested : The client is interested in the company's services
Offered : A proposal has been sent to the client
Negotiating : The offer is being negotiated and adjusted
Closing : The client is in the process of signing the agreement
The stages of the sales funnel are clearly defined, and you can customize them to your liking based on your way of working.
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