Phrases like “now is not the best time” are a common objection in the world of sales and marketing and a major barrier to achieving your dubai business fax list goals. We get it, life is busy and the list of priorities never seems to get shorter. Still, if you want to truly compete, you will eventually have to embark on an email marketing strategy and putting it off will only create more work for you in the future. Bottom line, while today may not be the best time to get started, it will always be the right time.
With that in mind, here are three great reasons why it's time to get on board if you haven't already.
Reason #1: Postponing email marketing gives your competitors an advantage
It's a competitive market and your company needs every advantage it can get if you want to reach the top.
The goal is pretty simple: create as many conversion opportunities as possible. More opportunities equal more sales, which in turn creates more opportunities. Keep in mind that email marketing is an integral part of this cycle.

As an important fact, among B2B marketers, 93% use email to distribute content and engage with customers and prospects. In fact, the same is true for 80% of B2C marketers. By choosing not to engage in this key strategy, you are handing over the leadership to all the companies that are making the effort. Considering that 99% of consumers check their inbox every day, you are definitely sacrificing a lot of attention.
Reason #2: Postponing your email marketing doesn't save you money
As cliché as it may sound, you have to spend money to make money. It's true that email marketing can be a bit pricey, but when done right, it can have a much higher ROI than other marketing tactics. On average, we're talking about $38 earned for every $1 spent.
For more than half of marketers (59%, to be exact), email is the number one source of ROI, beating out social media, print marketing, and PPC. Of course, we can’t ignore the other mediums either, but the point is that if you’re skipping email right now, you’re missing out on huge earning potential.