The overcrowding and myopia of existing sales

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The overcrowding and myopia of existing sales

Post by mim022 »

"Growth and evolutionThe growth of database marketing is driven by a number of environmental issues. Fletcher, Wheeler and Wright (1991)[5] classified these issues into four main categories:Changing role of direct marketingThe move to relationship marketing for competitive advantage.The decline in the effectiveness of traditional media. channels.Changing cost structuresThe decline in electronic processing costs.The increase in marketing costs.Changing technologyThe advent of new methods of shopping and paying.

The development of economical methods for differentiating uganda email list 439482 contact leads customer communication.Changing market conditionsThe desire to measure the impact of marketing efforts.The fragmentation of consumer and business markets.Shaw and Stone (1988) noted that companies go through evolutionary phases in the developing their database marketing systems. They identify the four phases of database development as:mystery lists;buyer databases;coordinated customer communication; andintegrated marketing.Sources of dataAlthough organizations of any size can employ database marketing, it is particularly well-suited to companies with large numbers of customers.


This is because a large population provides greater opportunity to find segments of customers or prospects that can be communicated with in a customized manner. In smaller (and more homogeneous) databases, it will be difficult to justify on economic terms the investment required to differentiate messages. As a result, database marketing has flourished in sectors, such as financial services, telecommunications, and retail, all of which have the ability to generate significant amounts of transaction data for millions of clients.
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