Your audience is Millennials? Then Instagram might be their platform of choice (so chip in for nice visuals).And if it’s Gen-Zs you’re targeting, make sure to follow TikTok trends and that your content campaign doesn’t jiggle, jiggle, it folds.Speaking of campaigns, here are the ones that are the most effective.Typical digital marketing campaignsAll marketing campaigns that include digital promotion usually fall under three types based on their goals.Customer acquisition campaignsThese campaigns aim to reach people who aren’t aware of your company or may be familiar with it but have yet to make any direct interaction.
They specifically target the live incarnations of your buyer personas or the people who are cambodia email list 195181 contact leads already looking for what you’re offering.Conversion campaignsThese kinds of campaigns focus on turning leads into paying customers. After all, your marketing efforts only count if they’re bringing in revenue.Retention and trust marketing campaignsConversion is definitely a huge goal, but your marketing efforts don’t stop there. You need to win the customers’ loyalty too. People who trust your company will not only continue to buy from you but also convince others to support your business. Trust me: satisfied customers are the best ambassadors.
If you’ve been paying attention, you probably see that lead generation through digital marketing is closely tied to customer acquisition. And here’s how to do it right.Lead generation campaign tacticsLet’s get down to business to defeat the Huns talk about the specific tactics that will keep those leads coming. Lead magnetsA lead magnet is a resource that urges your target audience to give their information in exchange for access. It may come in the form of an ebook, white paper, checklist, toolkit, cheat sheet, or any content that’s valuable to your potential customers. Often, a lead magnet is a landing page that explains the value of the resource and asks the visitors for their email addresses to gain free access to it.