This statement alone is enough to make us understand how important it is to have quality content, therefore also useful on websites, because the traffic that these can bring is incredible. And let's also remember that organic traffic is the one that converts the most!
Even though many people talk about quality content, it seems difficult to find a univocal definition, here we try to explain our vision and why having quality content is essential.
Anatomy of Quality Content
Quality content is:
100% authentic : This means they must be true and real and convey the soul of the writer.
70% Original : The majority of an article must be original. Not only thailand mobile phone numbers database in terms of individual sentences (copying and pasting is always prohibited), but also in terms of concepts.
Optimized for SEO : Content must also be optimized for search engines because it will be found on the Internet.
Written for the target audience : This point may seem contradictory to the previous one, but it is not. In fact, quality content is written for the target audience to help, inform or educate. So the substance of what you write is fundamental, SEO comes second.
Why is having quality content important?
Having quality content is essential for SEO , these are two inseparable concepts, here are the reasons.
Analytics : Did you know that quality content directly impacts SEO? In fact, the so-called dwell time , derived from the bounce rate and the average session duration, tells search engines how relevant your content is based on the user's search.
Google Algorithm : You should know that since 2011 with the algorithm update called Panda, low-quality content has been penalized.
Social shares : the higher the quality of the content, the more shares, likes and everything else that can happen on social media will increase. Search engines value the levels of user engagement with the page.
“Make your site interesting and useful” : This is one of Google’s own recommendations listed among the tips for having an optimized website. This is because useful web pages tend to attract traffic naturally and get backlinks.
How to write quality content?
1. Research
First of all, you have to find the right topic for writing and there are various ways to find a topic that is interesting for readers and for search volumes.
First you can rely on Google suggestions and see if there is a strong correspondence of content for the queries listed, if the results are not very relevant you have found your topic. For example, once I had to search for a topic for a blog that deals with disposable cutlery and using Google suggest I found that many people were asking: What to do if you swallow a plastic fork (what to do if you swallow a plastic fork). Doing this search I noticed that there was not even one article that talked about the topic but only forums of people asking this question.
So, I decided to write an article about it. Of course, it should be noted that in this case the search intent of the client's target users was not this, but since it is a very competitive market from an organic search perspective, I thought that having some organic traffic with keywords related to the business could not hurt.
The result? Number one position in Google and featured snippet!
Needless to say, organic traffic has grown exponentially: by 7,977.22%!
This is a clear example of how finding a content gap can guarantee almost instant success.
If Google search suggestions haven't helped you and you're stuck, you can still write about a topic that's already been covered, you just have to do it better than your competitors. First, do a thorough research on the topic to get a clear idea of what's already circulating on the Internet for the same topic. Try typing various queries for your search and then make a list of the things that have already been said or said most often. From this research, you might find a different angle to deal with the topic or instead write about the same topic but add information that no one has ever talked about.
2. Keywords
After establishing the topic, it is also essential to work on keyword research, because even if the most important aspect is the quality of the content, SEO allows you to give visibility to your writing. All you need to do is do a search and select the keywords with the most volume or the least difficult ones to climb the SERP.
To find out how to find the keywords that your customers type, read the article.
3. Visual aspect
Quality content is not only interesting and well-written, but it is also visually pleasing. This means adding images, infographics, and multimedia. In addition to improving the aesthetics and readability of a text, through ALT tags we give important information to search engines about the words to target.
4. Readability
Along with the visual aspect, there is readability. This influences both the ranking of a website and the User Experience. Therefore, having readable content is doubly important. To improve the readability of a content, just follow a few small tips:
a readable sans serif font
short sentences
limit the use of the passive form
use of synonyms
a good distribution of paragraphs and subtitles
good spacing.
5. Added value
Added value refers to your original and unique contribution. What does it mean? It means that you should amaze your readers even more by adding the WoW factor. For example, you can increase the value of your article with an infographic, a video, a downloadable e-book, and so on. Answer the question: what makes my content better than competitor X's? This is your added value that should never be forgotten.
As we have seen, quality content is an important factor for website ranking, so we must never underestimate the importance of what we share with our readers.
Do you need help writing quality content or producing a unique editorial calendar?
Contact us, we will be able to give you effective suggestions to improve your online presence and your conversion rates.
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