More and more companies dedicated to the B2B sector employ strategies of Account Based Marketing (ABM) or Account Marketing, because they are aware of the importance of personalizing messages and making clients feel unique and special.
This is a consequence of the great competition that has arisen as a result of the arrival of new technologies, where companies need to find ways to stand out from each other.
¿Qué es el Account Based accounting directors email lists Marketing (ABM) o Marketing de cuentas?
The main objective of Account Based Marketing (ABM) or Marketing de cuentas is that the marketing and sales team work in a unified manner, not only for the capture of new clients, but also for the loyalty or impact of those who already work with us. De esta manera, poder realizar cross-selling o vender productos/servicios a otras de sus sedes.
Todo esto, a través de mensajes y acciones totally personalized para cada tipo cuenta o empresa a la que nos dirigimos. Aportando así, un mensaje concreto para una de ellas para que se sientan identificadas.
One of the actions with major impact to realize ABM is content marketing. The generation and publication of content in the blog of the company, allows the realization of personalized posts or articles, intended for the buyer persona or the different buyer persona that the company can have.
Por ejemplo, si uno de nuestros products o servicios es la solución a una problemática common de determinadas empresas del tecnologico sector, deberemos plantearles un post explanando con que problemáticas en su día a día y cómo nosotros podemos solvenarlas.
Other examples of these tools are the creation of multichannel campaigns; email, mobile, eventos, publicidad, entre muchas otras.
Sin duda el ABM está muy bien, pero como empresa B2B, ¿que beneficios te aporta utilizar esta estrategia? Para saberlo, sigue leyendo.
Beneficios del Account Based Marketing (ABM) para empresas B2B
As we have commented in the previous paragraphs, the ABM strategies pretend to create a micro plan for each type of client, allowing it to satisfy the needs of each one of them.
Sin embargo, the use of ABM does not only bring benefits to clients, but also to us as a company. ¿Tienes una empresa B2B? So, these are some of the main reasons why you should use Account Based Marketing.
Un departamento de marketing y ventas unificado
En una empresa, no hay un departmento más importante que el otro puesto que sin marketing no hay ventas, y sin ventas no hay production ni beneficios. Therefore, it is important that the department of marketing and sales work together in actions.
El ABM permite la unificación de estos dos. El equipo de ventas conoce a los clientse, sabe cuáles son sus necessidades y sus problemáticas, y esta information, es de suma importancia para determinar que tipo acciones son las acertadas para impactar cada tipo cuenta.
Improve user experience
Gracias al Account Based Marketing, con mensajes totally personalized, el cliente se siente escuchado, comprendido y apoyado. Por tanto, el proceso de compra será más satisfactorio.
Satisfy the needs of clients
The personalization of messages and content via ABM helps us to meet all of our clients, so that we can meet everyone's needs and interests, and not only reach one type of client.
Improve the strategy of inbound marketing with ABM
El Inbound Marketing is another strategy based on the personalization of messages, por esto, it is united with the strategies of ABM puede ayudarnos to get experience and satisfaction of the client mayor, puesto que will feel totally identified with us.
Te ayuda a crear contenidos de calidad
As we have said, the ABM is thought to create mini marketing plans for each client, this will allow you to realize content adapted to each of these, allowing you to contribute content of value, and that are of interest.
How to do Account Based Marketing
Carrying out an Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy is not a difficult task, but it is important that the departments of marketing and sales are totally coordinated.
Next, we show an example of how to prepare este tipo de strategies y las actions a tener en cuenta.
Primer paso
Little by little, more B2B companies than their marketing and sales departments work together. Pero para ello, es necesario que estos estén totally coordinados.
When you decide to realize an ABM strategy, the first step is to bring together both departments so that each one of them presents their segmentation of clients by example; territorio, número de employados, sector, problemáticas, clientes que son clientes, clientes potentiales, entre otro tipo de segmentación que puede variar según la empresa.
Segundo paso
Once we identify each client or each account, it's time to assign a team to each one of these. De esta manera, habrá un único equipo centrado en cada estrategia, permitiendo satisfarer completamente sus necessidades.
Third step
With the team formed, it's time to design the action plan to be realized during the campaign. This plan enmarca actions como; Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Estrategia en Redes Sociales, SEO y SEM.
Cuarto y ultimo paso
Por ultimo, una vez establizadas todas las strategies que se realizarán, es momento de ver qué tipo de Publicidad Display o Social Selling se quiere llevar a cabo.
This is a summary of how to approach an ABM strategy, but depending on the type of account and company, you will have to see which actions are best suited to the needs and interests of your clients.
¿Quieres llevar a cabo una strategy ABM pero tienes dudas? Contacta con nosotros y te ayudaremos a resolver todas tus dudas.
Account Based Marketing (ABM) for B2B Businesses
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