Cross-selling that can be applied to WhatsApp is cross-selling. Through this channel, additional promotions, coupons, or updates related to past purchases can be sent to those users who have agreed to receive communication from brands, even in the future, or when there are new complementary products or services.
It is worth noting that WhatsApp is a highly effective channel, as it is extremely dominican republic whatsapp number data 5 million well-maintained, so if brands want to get the most out of it, they must follow the rules imposed by Meta and be ready and accompanied by a conversational technology provider who invites them to test use cases and new functionalities whenever they are released by WhatsApp.
At Auronix we know that this season is crucial for e-commerce retail companies , and because of our experience working with this vertical, we are ready to help them implement use cases (depending on their complexity) in days or weeks. If your brand is ready to bet on WhatsApp to increase its sales this season, contact us and let's talk about the strategies you could start exploring and the incentive plans we have to put them into practice as soon as possible.
Another traditional strategy
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- Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2024 4:30 am