Make sure you can collect

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Make sure you can collect

Post by alexalamin »

Plus, the more relevant your message is, the more likely your subscribers are to engage with it.Segmentation also helps you avoid sending the wrong messages to the wrong people at the wrong time, which is equally important for building trust with your contacts, increasing conversions, and keeping your contacts engaged over the long-term.However, during this stage you might be tempted to jump straight into segmenting your database or tweaking your existing segments. But creating the right segments for your contextual messages requires laying the right foundations.

Here are some tips:have a clean and organized database. Any database of value iran mobile phone numbers database should be able to be broken down into three key pieces of data: the contact, the contact properties, and the companies and their properties.Collect the right information that will help you create the segments you need for your contextual emails. There are two key pieces of information you need to collect about your contacts: the buyer persona they re associated with so you know important details about them, like their job title, company, and goals, for example , and where they are in the buyer s journey.


Make sure you can collect the right explicit and implicit data. Explicit data is information that contacts intentionally share with you, like contact information, company information, etc. Implicit data is information you gather from user behavior, like, email engagement, web analytic history, and conversion data. You ll need both implicit and explicit data to have contextual conversations with contacts in your emails.Note: make sure you have permission to email contacts in your database.And don t forget to ensure you re complying with email regulations, like can-spam and gdpr, when collecting data.
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