udice about your brand from the very first second and causes the site to lose visitors.

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[email protected]
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udice about your brand from the very first second and causes the site to lose visitors.

Post by [email protected] »

Since low page speed directly affects the user experience, it can cause negative thoughts that can even lead to the consumer not shopping from the brand again. Visitors do not wait more than 5 seconds while adding a product to their cart during shopping. When the waiting time exceeds 5 seconds, the consumer leaves the site because it is a waste of time. Loss of visitors also directly causes loss of income. If the speed of your e-commerce site is low and you do not find a solution to increase it, Google will stop ranking your site to visitors over time. This can easily lead to loss of income. You can prevent this situation by testing the speed of your website and measuring the page speed.

3. Implement two-factor authentication: “Two-Factor Authentication” is not indonesia telegram number a new security concept. For decades, financial institutions have relied on “Fobs” (small devices with a screen that you can attach to your keychain and give an ever-changing number) as an additional factor when logging in.

The overarching security concept is “Something you know, have, and are.” In 2FA, we choose two of these. When you log into a website without 2FA, you are simply using “something you know” – your username and password. No matter how strong you think these are, they still have a chance of being compromised. 2FA adds a layer on top of that called “something you have.”

These days, instead of giving every admin user a key fob, we have smartphones and software that can replace key fobs. If you have a modern smartphone (made in the last 5 years), it can run an app that acts as a “thing you have.”

The most widely used app for 2FA – though certainly not the only one – is “Google Authenticator”. It’s the most common because it’s free. Before you go the 2FA route, make sure that Google Authenticator is available on your phone. Once 2FA is implemented and your user clicks the sign-in button, they will be directed to a second sign-in screen that will ask them for their “token”. If they’ve set up their app correctly, they’ll open the app, find your website in it, and type the number into the screen. This number changes every 30 seconds. The number is called a “Time-based One-Time Password” (TOTP). When they type in the token and press the button, the plugin calculates the appropriate TOTP and then verifies that it matches what the user typed. Based on that, it will either allow or deny the login.
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