A few months earlier

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A few months earlier

Post by prisilabr88 »

Our peak revenues. And we were losing money every month. Hiten Shah had called me and said, Admit that ConvertKit is a failure. Shut it down and move on to something else. You will succeed no matter what you do, so start something new. Wow! Thats so painful to hear! Its really hard to accept when something you love is called a failure. But then Hiten continued Or take ConvertKit seriously and give it the time, money, and attention it needs. Turn your project into a real business. I had to make a decision.

I asked myself these two questions to close the startup or to work hard. Do I still venezuela telegram number want to build a software company as much as I did before? Absolutely yes! My drive and desire were still there. I wanted it more than ever. So why isnt it working? So I asked myself did ConvertKit have the best chance of success? To be honest, its not. For the first two years, ConvertKit existed as a side project. I started it on a shoestring budget and never invested more money into it. But more importantly, I never spent much time on.

It. The books and courses were a very profitable business, taking up most of my attention. For this reason, ConvertKit never received my full attention and focus. After asking myself these questions, I decided to invest fully in my startup and give it a chance to turn into a real business. Doubling down was the right move for me Within 15 months, revenue grew from 1,300 to 130,000 per month. It took a ton of hard work and a great team to get there, but Im so glad I made the decision to focus on the project you can read.
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