I'm not I'm an idea enabler. I don't come up with ideas

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I'm not I'm an idea enabler. I don't come up with ideas

Post by nishat@264 »

Sometimes I do. Most of the time they're not brilliant ideas, but sometimes I push for my own ideas. But I'm fine just with whomever comes up with idea. As you were saying, that I will help you. I will help you to make it happen. You know, like a and another CMO.

You just today I had a very tough conversation with my CEO because we are launching a campaign today and I showed him this campaign a few months and get me some feedback. And he's usually very respectful. So he's like, Carlos, I think this and this, but you it's your decision. And today we're announcing it on the Internet, like it's like with everyone on marketing.

Then the marketing team jumps in. He says, Hey, I already cyprus whatsapp resource told Cardin's don't like this campaign. I don't think it's the right word, but I would like, hey, please. Or queen, quickly, wink. He's the CEO. I think you're listening to this. Well, hey, can we chat? 5 minutes? So we had a conversation and at the end we we had a good agreement that he was like, Hey, Curtis, is your decision.

And I would like, okay, maybe we don't go all in that. First we go, we may we publish the first phase. And if we see that that first phase works, we go only. So what for me? And then I go back to my team and like, Hey, hey, don't worry, we're going to publish. And, you know, like I was that was not my idea.

That's not my campaign. It is, but it's not. My media came for me, but I'm an enabler and I'm very happy to be able to do that.

Daniel Burstein: Well, first of all, thank you for being on How I made it mark my day. A campaign is launching. That's very kind of you to give us your time today. But that's what I mean. That's when we were an agency. That's what we always wanted. Right. Or, you know, we're going to. That's what you always wanted. You wanted that good client.
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