Why do emotional videos sell more?

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Why do emotional videos sell more?

Post by nurnobi40 »

My favorite example is the glass half full/half empty. Think about it. You watch an advertisement in which a glass is half full of water. A voiceover tells you, “This glass is half full.” Do you believe it? Probably not.

You know that whoever made that video has no commitment to honesty with you. What's more, you know that someone will benefit from you believing that the glass is half full, right? It's the classic video of Xuxa using Monange. You know that just because she appears in the video using the product, it doesn't mean that she uses it in real life.

But let's think about another situation now. Let's suppose you watch a video and there's a glass with water half full. No one tells you anything, but in your perception, you think that glass is half full. That's it! It doesn't matter what anyone tells you otherwise. You will always think that glass is half full.

The same goes for a plate of food, for example. A newscaster telling you “this burger is delicious” is one thing. But when you see a burger on the screen and it looks so tasty that your stomach starts to growl with hunger, that’s another story, right?

Because, my friends, there are no arguments against emotions!

Okay, but is that it? So how should you add more emotion to your costa rica phone number data videos? And what's more: how should you convey the right emotion?

The first thing is: get rid of that prejudice! We have a terrible habit of thinking that emotional videos are cheesy videos, with sad messages and melancholic background music! All wrong, people!

Every purchasing decision is linked to some emotional need. And these emotional needs can be diverse: the need to feel satisfied, the need for security, stability, adrenaline, knowledge… the possibilities are endless.

Before you think about making a video, you need to ask yourself what emotion makes your customer buy your product and your entire video needs to revolve around that.

And when I say FULL VIDEO , I'm giving you the big key to the deal. It's a mistake to think that the only way to convey information is to write it on the screen or say it through a voiceover. The entire video conveys information.

The soundtrack. The choice of framing. All the objects that make up the scene. The colors that are present in the scene.

Let's think again about the example of the glass of water.

How could you make that video so that even though the glass is half full, anyone watching it will see it as half full?

The possibilities are endless. Choosing the right glass. Playing with perspective between the glass and another object. Proper lighting to increase the sense of depth. Choosing lenses that provide a certain distortion in your favor. The soundtrack. Yes, friends, even the soundtrack! A sound design that refers to humid or cold environments can influence the viewer's perception.

What lesson would I like to take away from this? That the next time you think about making a video, you ask yourself the following questions: What do I need to convince my audience of? What emotions do they need to feel to be convinced? And what tools (like those we saw above) can I use to help me in this mission?
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