To make matters worse, it’s easy to get confused when looking for guidance on best practices for creating compelling email marketing subject lines. Is it better to write less or more? Use all caps? Use a looser or more formal text style?
We'll help you with that: check out 5 tips below for creating attractive email marketing subjects:
1. Bet on short subjects
2. Avoid capital letters and excessive punctuation
3. Customize the text
4. Don't make false promises
5. Use appropriate language
1. Bet on short subjects
When we analyze email marketing topics, it is common to see several campaigns investing in putting as much information as possible in them, with the aim of convincing the reader to open them.
Avoid making this mistake: the text size should meet the needs of the subject of that message. In fact, you can get much better performance by opting for a very short subject line ireland business fax list that arouses curiosity and grabs attention. Ideally, the subject line should be no longer than 70 characters; if you can get it to 60, even better.

2. Avoid capital letters and excessive punctuation
Scandalous advertising is unlikely to win over your audience. And what’s worse, it could cause your message to be interpreted as spam. Turn off caps lock and avoid filling your subject line with exclamation marks or question marks.
Use the appropriate amount of punctuation that the context requires. Any excess may be frowned upon and may harm your performance .
3. Customize the text
Thanks to the technology available today, you don’t need to send the same subject line to all your recipients. Using tokens available in email marketing tools, you can include, for example, the person’s name in this space.
The recipient will pay special attention to that email, since it refers to them in a very personal way. It is also possible to personalize the text based on other criteria, such as location, but avoid overdoing it.
4. Don't make false promises
The content of your email marketing subject lines must match exactly what is in the campaign. Otherwise, your audience will feel deceived and will quickly unsubscribe from that list. Create and maintain an honest relationship with your recipient by being objective in your writing.
5. Use appropriate language
Every marketing campaign needs a thorough audience study before it can be launched. This is where the diagnosis that will define the ideal language to be used in your communications comes from. Email marketing subject lines need to fit this naturally. Otherwise, the audience will not identify with the content and its performance will suffer as a result.
Follow these tips to ensure better results with your email marketing subject lines. Remember that the open rate, one of the most important indicators of this type of campaign , is completely dependent on strategic writing and identification with the target audience.